Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Sedition Act Of 1798 For The First Few Years Of Constitutional Gov Essay Example For Students
The Sedition Act Of 1798 For The First Few Years Of Constitutional Gov Essay ernment, under the leadership of George Washington, there was a unity, commonly called Federalism that even James Madison (the future architect of the Republican Party) acknowledged in describing the Republican form of government ? And according to the degree of pleasure and pride we feel in being republicans, ought to be our zeal in cherishing the spirit and supporting the character of Federalists.? Although legislators had serious differences of opinions, political unity was considered absolutely essential for the stability of the nation. Political parties or factions were considered evil as ?Complaints are everywhere heard from our most considerate and virtuous citizens, equally the friends of public and private faith, and of public and personal liberty, that our governments are too unstable, that the public good is disregarded in the conflicts of rival parties, and that measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority Public perception of factions were related to British excesses and thought to be ?the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished.? James Madison wrote in Federalist Papers #10, ?By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.?He went on to explain that faction is part of human nature; ?that the CAUSES of faction cannot be removed, and that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its EFFECTS.? The significant point Madison was to make in this essay was that the Union was a safeguard against factions in that even if ?the influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States, unable to spread a general conflagrati on through the other States.? What caused men like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to defy tradition and public perceptions against factions and build an opposition party? Did they finally agree with Edmund Burkes famous aphorism: ?When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggleDid the answer lie in their opposition with the agenda of Alexander Hamilton and the increases of power both to the executive branch as well as the legislative branch of government? Hamilton pushed for The Bank of the United States, a large standing Army raised by the President (Congress was to raise and support armies,) a Department of Navy, funding and excise taxes, and, in foreign policy, a neutrality that was sympathetic to British interest to the detriment of France. Many legislators, especially those in the south, were alarmed to the point that a separation of the Union was suggested as the only way to deal with Hamilton s successes. Many were afraid that the army would be used against them as it had during the Whiskey Rebellion. Southerners saw the taxes to support a new treasury loan favoring ?pro-British merchants in the commercial cities,? and unfairly paid by landowners in the South. These issues as well as neutrality issues between France, England, and the United States were the catalyst for the forming of the Republican Party. The French and English conflict caused many problems with Americas political system. The English ?Order of Council? and the French ?Milan Decree? wreaked havoc with Americas shipping and led to Jays Treaty of 1794. Jays Treaty was advantageous to America and helped to head off a war with Britain, but it also alienated the French. The French reacted by seizing American ships causing the threat of war to loom large in American minds. President Adams sent three commissioners to France to work out a solution and to modify the Franco-American alliance of 1778, but the Paris government asked for bribes and a loan from the United States before negotiations could even begin.The American commissioners refused to pay the bribes and they were denied an audience with accredited authorities and even treated with contempt. Two of the commissioners returned to the United States with Elbridge Gerry staying behind to see if he could work something out. This became known as the XYZ affair and was the beginning of an undeclared naval war between France and the United States. The XYZ affair played right into the hands of the Federalist Party. They immediately renounced all treaties of 1788 with France and began their agenda of creating a large standing army and a Navy Department to deal with the threat of an American-French war.Fear and patriotism were fanned and a strong anti-French sentiment swept the land. Then a gem of a caveat was thrown into the Federalist hands when Monsieur Y boasted that ?the Diplomatic skill of France and the means she possess in your count ry, are sufficient to enable her, with the French party in America, to throw the blame which will attend the rupture of the negotiations on the Federalist, as you term yourselves, but on the British party, as France terms you.? This boast was to cause suspicion and wide spread denunciation of the Republican Party and its leaders. Senator Sedgwick, majority whip in the Senate, after hearing of the XYZ Affair, said, ?It will afford a glorious opportunity to destroy faction. Improve it.? Hamilton equated the publics perception of the Republicans opposition to the Federalists agenda like that of the Tories in the Revolution. All in all, this boast began the process that became the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. The Republicans debated against the bills for about a month, but the Federalist had the votes. A background of fear helped keep the public silent and perhaps somewhat approving to the loss of some personal freedoms, as nobody wanted to be accused as a Jacobean. In May of 1778, President Adams declared a day of prayer and fasting. Many thought that the Jacobeans were going to use that day to rise up in insurrection and ?cut the throats of honest citizens.? They even thought they were going to attack President Adams and citizens of Philadelphia came out by the hundreds to protect him. Federalist saw this as a demonstration of support for the government. Those who spoke against the Sedition bill were accused of being in league with the Jacobeans. Edward Livingston, in opposing the bill said, ?If we are ready to violate the Constitution, will the people submit to our unauthorized acts? Sir, they ought not to submit; they would deserve the chains that our measures are forging for them, if they did not resist.? The Federalist accused Livingston of sedition because of his implied threat of popular rebellion; a practice seen in future debates when unlawful power was to be enforced.Republican newspapers were railing against the Federalist and especially against th e Sedition bill. The Aoura was the leading Republican publication and Benjamin Bache was its editor. Baches ability to get the story out caused much consternation among Federalist. Harrison Gray Otis said that Baches writing influenced even intelligent people, ?What can you expect from the gaping and promiscuous crowd who delight to swallow calumny..The Federalist needed the Sedition bill to shut down the Republican presses and Bache played right into their hands with his publication of Tallyrands conciliatory letter to the American envoys before the President had even seen it.Republicans insisted that this was a journalistic scoop that would lead to peace because France was willing to negotiate with Edmund Gerry. The Federalist wanted Bache to explain how he had received a letter that the President hadnt even seen yet. They began to accuse him of being in league with France, an agent of Tallyrand and an enemy of the people of the United States. The administration was so incensed wi th Bache that they didnt wait for passage of the Sedition bill, but had him arrested for treason on June 27, 1778. From the very beginning Republican leaders recognized that the Sedition bill was primarily directed toward the destruction of any opposition to the Federalist Party and its agenda. Albert Gallatin said the Sedition Act was a weapon ?to perpetuate their authority and preserve their present places.? Proof that this bill was politically motivated became obvious when the House voted to extend the act from the original one year proposed to the expiration of John Adams term, March 3, 1801. The States response to the passing of the Sedition Act was mixed. Kentucky and Virginia each responded with acts basically nullifying the Congressional act, but other states accepted the Congress taking authority from what had been a state function. The public response initially appeared mixed. British common law seemed to have preconditioned many to accept a limitation of their personal fr eedoms. The victory of the Republicans, who ran on a platform of anti-sedition, in the election of 1800 showed that Americans were much more interested in personal freedom than the aristocratic Federalist thought. What would happen if Congress submitted a Sedition Bill today as they did in 1778?With our established two-party system (in marked contrast to their conceptions of factions), the freedom of press as a well developed principle, and freedom of speech the cornerstone in Americans sense of liberty; it seems that there would be a major revolt.Are there any instances in 20th century history that compares to the Sedition Acts flagrant disregard of the First Amendment? No government actions seem so blatantly unconstitutional as the Sedition Act of 1798; but, there are many actions since then that have caused much more personal pain than the twenty-seven persons convicted under the Sedition Act. In times of war it is understood that many personal liberties may be curtailed, especia lly for enemy aliens living in the United States. The War Relocation Authority signed by President Roosevelt caused thousands of enemy aliens as well as Japanese- American citizens to lose everything as they were interned in concentration camps throughout the West. These Americans were told that if they were true patriotic citizens they would go without complaining. If they were to complain then that was prima facie evidence that they were not loyal citizens.In June of 1940, Americas fear of German aggression led to the enactment of the Smith Act. Much like the Alien and Sedition Act it required all aliens to be registered and fingerprinted. It also made it a crime to advocate or teach the violent overthrow of the United States, or to even belong to a group that participated in these actions. The United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the law in the case of eleven communist (Dennis v United States.) This decision was later modified in 1957 (Yates v United States .) The Court limited conviction to direct action being taken against government, ruling that teaching communism or the violent overthrow of government did not in itself constitute grounds for conviction.Another instance of governmental infringement of the liberties of American citizens is the well known Senate Sub-committee on un-American Activities headed by Joseph McCarthy. Thousands of people lost their livelihood and personal reputations were shattered by innuendo, finger pointing, and outright lies. As in earlier instances of uncontrolled excesses by people in government, guilt was assumed and protestations of innocence were evidence that ?something? was being hidden. In 1993, rumblings were heard from the Democratic controlled Congress that there needed to be fairness in broadcasting. If one viewpoint was shared, they felt the opposing viewpoint must be given fair time to respond. This was facetiously called the ?Rush Act? in response to the phenomenal success of conservative radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh. As in the 1790s when Republicans formed newspapers to counteract the Federalist control of the press; many conservatives felt that the few conservative broadcasters and programs had a long way to go before they balanced the liberal press.Fortunately, as in the 1800 election, Republicans gained control of Congress in 1992 and the ?Rush Act? died a natural death. Recently many Americans have become concerned with domestic terrorism. Waco, the Oklahoma Federal Building, and now the Freemen in Montana have caused citizens and legislators alike to want something done. The House of Representatives just approved HR2768. This bill will curtail many liberties for American citizens as well as Aliens. The following are eight points made by the ACLU concerning this bill: 1.Broad terrorism definition risks selective prosecution 2.More illegal wiretaps and less judicial control will threaten privacy 3. Expansion of counterintelligence and terrorism investigati ons threatens privacy 4. The Executive would decide which foreign organizations Americans could support 5. Secret evidence would be used in deportation proceedings 6. Foreign dissidents would be barred from the United States 7. Federal courts would virtually lose the power to correct unconstitutional Incarceration 8. Aliens are equated with terrorists This bill has many points in common with the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, the Smith Act of 1950, the McCarren Act of 1950, and the Executive Order of Feb.19, 1942 that led to War Relocation Authority. Each one of these actions were taken when fear controlled the public and an agenda controlled the people in authority. Thankfully, the American people have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to bring them back from the edge, and to force those in positions of responsibility to accountability. The responsibility of government lies with the governed. If the American people react to trying situations and events in fear, then a gener al malaise and sense of helplessness will permeate the collective American consciousness. The abdication of personal responsibility erodes liberty, creating an atmosphere of dependency, that leads to bigger government and its pseudo security. Edward Livingstons statement, ?If we are ready to violate the Constitution, will the people submit to our unauthorized acts? Sir, they ought not to submit; they would deserve the chains that our measures are forging for them, if they did not resist,? serves as a timely warning to Americans today.9999 .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c , .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c .postImageUrl , .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c , .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c:hover , .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c:visited , .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c:active { border:0!important; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c:active , .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc203d3c48a35f06b70515a4aabe8586c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Glass Menagerie Persuasive Essay We will write a custom essay on The Sedition Act Of 1798 For The First Few Years Of Constitutional Gov specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Media Guangdong and Open Letter Essay
Media Guangdong and Open Letter Essay Media: Guangdong and Open Letter Essay (Before It's News) There seem to be constant new developments what is now being referred to as the â€Å"New Year’s Greeting incident†at Guangdong’s Southern Weekly. Those new to the story can catch up here andhere, and read the wrap-up at the Wall Street Journal. Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao yesterday cited an unnamed â€Å"official source†as saying that Guangdong’s propaganda chief, Tuo Zhen (Ã¥ º ¹Ã©Å"‡), singled out over the past three days as responsible for the interference at Southern Weekly, was not in Guangdong when the incident occurred. According to the newspaper, the source said the action â€Å"had nothing to do with Guangdong’s provincial propaganda department.†If this is true it leaves behind a great bit question: Whose decision was it? A January 4 open letter protesting interference at Southern Weekly, the second following a letter from a group of former Southern Weekly journalists, continues to gather signatures. A confirmed list of the first batch of signers, obtained by the China Media Project yesterday, included 98 signatures made before 10 p.m. on January 4. Signers included Ai Xiaoming (è‰ ¾Ã¦â„¢â€œÃ¦ËœÅ½), a popular professor at Guangzhou’s Sun Yat-sen University, and Southern Metropolis Daily founder and former editor-in-chief Cheng Yizhong (ç ¨â€¹Ã§â€ºÅ ä ¸ ). The second confirmed list of signers, those signing before 10 a.m. on January 5, included 458 names. Among them were well-known Chinese blogger Bei Feng (Ã¥Å'â€"é £Å½) and Cui Weiping (Ã¥ ´â€Ã¥ «Ã¥ ¹ ³), a professor at Beijing Film Academy and a frequent contributor to Southern Weekly. Signers of the letter represented a wide range of fields and backgrounds - journalists, academics, writers, students, lawyers, migrant workers, and even one name identified as â€Å"a citizen seeking freedom.†Below is the full Chinese-language version of the open letter. - - - - - Ã¥ ° ±Ã¥ â€"æâ€" ¹Ã¥â€˜ ¨Ã¦Å" «Ã§Å' ®Ã¨ ¯ ä ºâ€¹Ã¤ » ¶Ã¥â€˜Å Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¤ ¸â€¹Ã¤ ¹ ¦ æÅ" «Ã¤ ¸â€"æÅ" ªÃ¤ º ¡Ã¯ ¼Å'çŽ °Ã¤ ¸â€"å†ä ¼ 劣è ¿ ¹Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¤ ºÅ'é› ¶Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¤ ¸â€°Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¥Ë† ï ¼Å'《å â€"æâ€" ¹Ã¥â€˜ ¨Ã¦Å" «Ã£â‚¬â€¹Ã¥Ë†Å Ã¥ ‘æâ€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã§ º ªÃ¥ ¿ µÃ§â€° ¹Ã¥Ë†Å ï ¼Å'å… ¨Ã©Æ' ¨Ã¤ »ËœÃ¥Å¾â€¹Ã§â€°Ë†Ã¦ ·Ã¥ · ²Ã§ » Ã¥ ® ¡Ã¥ ®Å¡Ã¯ ¼Å'è ® °Ã¨â‚¬â€¦Ã§ ¼â€"è ¾â€˜Ã¤ ¼â€˜Ã¥ ‡ã€‚åÅ" ¨Ã§ ¼â€"è ¾â€˜Ã©Æ' ¨Ã¤ ¸ çŸ ¥Ã¦Æ'…çš„æÆ'…况ä ¸â€¹Ã¯ ¼Å'Ã¥ ¹ ¿Ã¤ ¸Å"çÅ" Ã¥ §â€Ã¥ ® £Ã¤ ¼ éÆ' ¨Ã©Æ' ¨Ã©â€¢ ¿Ã¥ º ¹Ã©Å"‡å ¦â€žÃ¥Å ¨Ã§ § Ã¥ ¿ µÃ¯ ¼Å'ç‹ åˆ æâ€" ¢Ã¥ ®Å¡Ã§â€°Ë†Ã© ¢Ã¯ ¼Å'ç ¯ ¡Ã¦â€ ¹Ã¦â€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã§Å' ®Ã¨ ¯ ï ¼Å'Ã¥ ¹ ¶Ã¦Å'‡ä » ¤Ã§ § æ · »Ã©â€â„¢Ã¨ ¯ ¯Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¥â€¡ ºÃ¤ ¹â€¹Ã§â€° ¹Ã¥Ë†Å æÅ'‰è ¯ ï ¼Å'é“ ¸Ã¦Ë† Ã¥ â€"å‘ ¨Ã§Å' ®Ã¨ ¯ ä ºâ€¹Ã¤ » ¶Ã£â‚¬â€š Ã¥ â€"å‘ ¨Ã¨â€¹ ¦Ã¥ ® ¡Ã¦Å¸ ¥Ã¤ ¹â€¦Ã§Å¸ £Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§â€ž ¶Ã¨â‚¬Å'ç‰ ¹Ã¥Ë†Å 选é ¢ËœÃ§ » Ã¥ º ¹Ã©Å"‡å ® ¡Ã¦ ¸Ã¦â€° ¹Ã¥â€¡â€ ï ¼Å'æˆ ç ¨ ¿Ã¦Å'‰æÅ'‡ä » ¤Ã¦Ë†â€"åˆ å‡ æˆâ€"抽掉ï ¼Å'ä »ËœÃ¥ °Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¦ ·Ã¤ ¹Å¸Ã¥Å½â€ ç » 内å ¤â€"æŸ ¥Ã© ªÅ'。æ ¦â€šÃ¨ ¨â‚¬Ã¤ ¹â€¹Ã¯ ¼Å'Ã¥ º ¹Ã©Å"‡ç ¯ ¡Ã¦â€ ¹Ã¤ ¹â€¹Ã¥â€° ï ¼Å'Ã¥ â€"å‘ ¨Ã§â€° ¹Ã¥Ë†Å æâ€" ä ¸â‚¬Ã¥ â€"ä ¸ ç » Ã¥ ® ¡Ã© ªÅ'ï ¼Å'Ã¥ ® ¡Ã¦Å¸ ¥Ã¦â€ž Ã¥ ¿â€"è ´ ¯Ã¥ ½ »Ã¥ §â€¹Ã§ »Ë†Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§ © ¶Ã¥ º ¹Ã©Å"‡æ‰€ä ¸ ºÃ¯ ¼Å'Ã¥ ‡å€Ÿå ® ¡Ã¦Å¸ ¥Ã¥ ®ËœÃ¤ ¹â€¹Ã¥ ¤â€"è ¡ £Ã¥ šæŽ ©Ã¦Å ¤Ã¯ ¼Å'ä ½â€ Ã¥Æ' è ¶Å 办报æ µ ç ¨â€¹Ã¤ ¹â€¹Ã¥ ®Å¾Ã¤ ¸ èÆ' ½Ã¦ ¬ ºÃ§Å¾â€™Ã£â‚¬â€š Ã¥ â€"å‘ ¨Ã¦â€" °Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã§Å' ®Ã¨ ¯ æÅ" ¬Ã¦Å"‰ä ¼ ç »Å¸Ã¯ ¼Å'熨è ¯ ç «â€¹Ã¦â€ž 皆æˆ æâ€" °Ã§ ¯â€¡Ã¯ ¼Å'æ ¯ æ ¯ ä ¸ ºÃ¦â€" ¶Ã¤ º ºÃ¤ ¼ è ¯ µÃ¤ ¸Å½Ã©â€™ ¦Ã¤ ½ ©Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¨â‚¬Å'Ã¥ º ¹Ã©Å"‡ä ¾ µÃ§Å ¯Ã¥ ® ¡Ã¦Å¸ ¥Ã¤ ¸Å½Ã¦â€" °Ã©â€" »Ã¨ ¾ ¹Ã§â€¢Å'ï ¼Å'ä ¸ æÆ' ®Ã¦ ¶â€šÃ¦Å ¹Ã§Å' ®Ã¨ ¯ ï ¼Å'æ ¼Ã¥ ¼ Ã¥Å'â€"ä ¸ å› ½Ã¦ ¢ ¦Ã¦Æ' ³Ã¯ ¼Å'染æÅ'‡å â€"å‘ ¨Ã§ Ã¥ ® è€Å'è °â€žÃ¥ ªÅ¡Ã¤ ¸Å æ„ ï ¼Å'ä » ¤Ã¤ º ºÃ¦â€ Žæ ¶Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥â€¦ ¶Ã¥ ¤ §Ã§ ¦ ¹Ã¦ ² »Ã¦ ° ´Ã¤ ¹â€¹Ã¦Å'‰è ¯ ï ¼Å'熨å… ¸Ã£â‚¬ 历å ²Ã§Å¡â€ éâ€â„¢Ã¯ ¼Å'æ› ´Ã¦Å"‰éâ€â„¢Ã¥Ë† «Ã¥ â€"è ´ »Ã§ ¬â€˜Ã¥ Šéâ€" ´Ã¯ ¼Å'é ¢Å¸Ã© ¡ ¸Ã¤ ¹â€¹Ã¦â‚¬ Ã¥ ¾â€™Ã¥ ¢Å¾Ã§ ¬â€˜Ã¦â€"™ã€‚
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Financial accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Financial accounting - Assignment Example In addition, through integrity, external auditors are required to avoid conflicts of interest when making their reports. In this way, their judgment will be imperative to the shareholders, directors, banks and other users of the audited reports. Question 2 One of the major factors to consider before investing in the biotechnology company is the profitability of the company. Through the audited financial reports, an investor will note the amount of profits and divided paid to the shareholders. In this way, an investor is at a good position to make an appropriate decision before investing in the company. Secondly, an investor should know the sources of finance adopted by the company. Companies that have wide range of sources of finance have a higher probability to survive in the current competitive business arena. Similarly, through various sources of finance, the concept of business as a going on concern is guaranteed since the company is financially stable. Another vital aspect that as an investor I will need to know is the management of the company. If the company has a strong management and auditing team and policies, it implies that financial position of the company is good thus guaranteeing high returns to the shareholders. Likewise, it is fundamental to have adequate information on the strategic plans of the company. For instance, if the company is focused at being acquired by another major company, it may result to an expansion of its services thus generating more returns. On the other hand, a company with unclear plans may fail in future thus making it unviable to invest in. Question 3 One of the recent major accounting scandals is the one that involved Olympus, a Japanese based firm that specializes in the production and selling of medical equipments and cameras. According to New York based prosecutors, Chan Ming Fon, one of the company executives was engaged in covering more than $1.7 billion losses thus providing false information to the auditors. The funds that were illegally acquired by the executives together with other seven employees were transferred to unknown financial institutions through the wire transfer. According to the FBI, Chan notified the auditors that the company funds were held in the form of Japanese bonds while in the real sense they were used to repay a loan through a firm that was under the control of Olympus. The whistle blower of this scandal was Michael Woodford soon after he was fired as British CEO in 2011. To prevent such a scandal, I suggest that auditors would seek more details and prove of all the information provided by the company. It would be also imperative for the government to intervene by bringing on board external auditors at the initial stages when the fraud was detected. Question 4 Taking into consideration that accrual accounting matches the revenue generated with the expenses incurred within a specific period of time, I would first take the bank statements that depicts the cash collecti on and payments for the first six months the period that my clients want to be audited. In the same way, I would separate the invoices and the bills that are covered in the first six months. This will be followed by comparing whether the sales incurred in the first six months are inline with the expenses incurred within the same period. According to accrual accounting, selling products on credit may result to future revenue streams that may affect the current financial position of the company (Barry and Jamie 11). To avoid this scenario, I would treat all the credit sales within the first six months as account receivables. For example, computers that were repaired
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
PSYCHOLOGY OF INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANISATIONAL HEALH - Essay Example Therefore, it is important to understand how these common drugs work, its relation in history and to the economy as well as prevention and rehabilitation in the workplace. One of the most commonly used drugs in the workplace are the use of alcohol and tobacco products which are controlled substances regulated by the UK government and legislation. Alcohol is a depressant which depresses the central nervous system as well as other functions. Many people who are stressed turn to alcohol due to the wide variety of alcoholic substances that are available as well as the accessibility. Alcohol can act on multiple neurotransmitters in the body which affects the reinforcing behavior which can make it a liability in the workplace. Alcohol decreases the secretion of acetylcholine, can elevate GABA levels as well as increase dopamine and epinephrine (Light 1986). Acetylcholine is involved specifically with the regulation of the central nervous system which in turn under the influence of alcohol slows down reflexes, lowers concentration rate, blood pressure, etc. Increases in dopamine and GABA can also lead to a state of calmness. In contrast, many people find that they become tired at school and work as well. This has lead to a prevalence of tobacco in the workplace whether in the form of dip or in cigarettes. Nicotine in tobacco is a stimulant which acts on nicotinic receptors. It causes an increase in acetylcholine which is what causes the increased awareness and attention as well as keeps dopamine from breaking down as quickly by causing it to stay in the synapse longer. Also, with smoking you have the problem of positive reinforcement in that they associate the relief of stress when they smoke. Knowing the basic principles of human behavior and drug abuse is the first step in understanding why that pattern of behavior develops and what preventative measures can be taken to inhibit this behavior. It is also important to consider the personal factors that can make a pers on use a drug. Some of the main ones are hereditary factors, personality, psychological conditioning, and social class (Hanson et Al., 2006, p. 45). In genetics, it has been proven that certain people are more susceptible to drug use than others. In determining who is at risk for alcoholism, researchers discovered that genes encoding for alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase play a role in determining a person’s susceptibility to alcoholism (Foroud et Al., 2010, p. 65). Personality and psychological conditioning are also important when determining susceptibility to drug use. Those that have what is considered to be an â€Å"addictive personality†may become fixed on drug use which then as a result can become an addiction based on psychological conditioning i.e. smoking. Social class and status may also play a role in drug use due to the type of budget that their income is based off of. The history of alcohol and tobacco use is also important in understanding their occurrence in the marketplace. There were a few key points in history that might have influenced the regulation of drugs and alcohol in the workplace and out as well. In the Victorian era, it was common for the gentleman to smoke and have a brandy while they discussed politics and other important matters. It was also common place for the users to engage in other elicit drugs such as cocaine and opium (Victorian Substance Abuse 2000). As both
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Critical Assessment of a Book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical Assessment of a Book - Essay Example Her greatest asset was a keen and observant biological eye which she made use of whenever she worked. Carson’s book ‘Silent Spring’ shot her to fame when it featured at the top of the bestseller lists. She was greatly encouraged by her mother to explore the natural world around her in which Rachel found immense solace. Her books were quite appealing due to their simplicity, style, lyrical value and thoroughness for which she was widely reviewed and honored. She adopted a visionary approach which was quite novel to the mainstream scientific community. Through her writing Rachel Carson handed down to us a legacy of scientific knowledge. She died on April 14th, 1964 at Silverspring, Maryland, USA. Part 2 Outline Structure of the Book The book Silent Spring, written by Rachel Carson, was first published in the year 1962 and became an instant best seller. Silent Spring was written as a serial article for the magazine, The New Yorker but later was published as a boo k. Carson’s reputation as a writer and scientist helped in establishing the credibility of the book. This book had an enduring and enormous impact on the world. This book was not written for a narrow scientific audience but for the layman and it has been credited with kick starting a debate on the limits of technology, responsibility of science and the use of pesticides. She was of the view that "The best and cheapest controls for vegetation are not chemicals but other plants." (pg.75) Carson meticulously described the process whereby the entire world food supply chain was contaminated by DDT. DDT entered the food chain and got accumulated in the fatty tissues of man and animal. A single application of the chemical on crops killed not only the targeted insects but also the other organisms present for weeks and months. These chemicals remained toxic even after dilution with rain water thereby causing irrevocable harm to animals and birds. "Carrots absorb more insecticide th an any other crop studied;...In the future it may become necessary to analyze soils for insecticides before planting certain food crops. Otherwise even unsprayed crops may take up enough insecticide merely from the soil to render them unfit for market." (pg.59) The author implicitly states that these chemicals in the environment caused cancer. The scientist-author meticulously gathered evidence to show the adverse effect caused by the indiscriminate application of mineral based agricultural pesticides and synthetic phosphates and chlorinated hydrocarbons. She argued that not only was the environment being degraded but the very fabric of American natural beauty was being laid threadbare. The indiscriminate use of the chemicals resulted in the development of resistant strains. When they reached high levels of concentration in the water bodies it led to the death of aquatic flora and fauna. â€Å"It is not possible to add pesticides to water anywhere without threatening the purity of water everywhere. Seldom if ever, does nature operate in closed and separate compartments, and she has not done so in distributing the earth’s water supply.†(pg. 42) The efforts of Carson were rewarded when the Government of the United States of America regulated the use of pesticides by enacting the Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972. Silent Spring is a book which still holds currency for the debate it still
Friday, November 15, 2019
Relationship between Motivational leadership and culture
Relationship between Motivational leadership and culture Introduction: The link between Motivation, Leadership and the reference and appropriateness of American culture oriented education systems and the Pakistani cultural context investigated. Motivation in the workplace holds a direct link to the leadership within organisation. In the modern age work has become the focus of our live. Work is the place where most of us find much of our sense of identity. It is hard today for many of us separate our work from the rest of our lives. We spend much of our time at work or in work related social and leisure activities. Within this work environment, at its core we can find Motivation, Leadership and culture. The way in which these three issues combine has a defining influence on how we lead our lives. One of the major problems of leadership today is that of understanding what motivates people. In order to be able to influence people it is necessary to understand what moves people. However, by studying motivation insight is found, drawing useful generalization, all of which will make the process of leading other that more effective. For many years the Pakistani business, education and cultural environment has been influenced by American business, education and culture. Clearer understanding of how successful this cross-cultural mixes has been needs investigation to judge its success. Motivation is closely linked to leadership; without motivation it could be argued that there is no leadership. The leadership style will naturally relate to the national culture of the country being investigated; to lead effectively and motivate people in a suitable way. Pakistan as a developing country is ready to accept many western ideas and if appropriate presented western cultural education programme. This dissertation aims to study how to apply an American cultural education programme with western structure to the Pakistan cultural business environment. The important of cultural influence on the leadership style and motivation has been researched. The differences between Pakistan and American culture within this context will have been investigated. Assessment of the following areas will be made: The effect of leadership on motivation. The cultural impact on leadership style. The differences between American and Pakistani culture. The best way to apply an American cultural education programme within the Pakistani cultural context. Background and Academic Context: Motivation: Motivation is a basic concept in human behaviour and also in employee behaviour. Motivation is one of the key drivers of high performance as it encourages individuals to work hard, and desire to achieve a higher goal and a better performance. According to Mitchell (1982) motivation is psychological process that cause encouragement, direction and insistence of voluntary actions that are goal oriented. Robbins (1993) shares the same view, that motivation is the willingness to exercise high levels of effort towards organization goals and to satisfy individual needs. McKenna (2002, p.8) explains motivation as an emotion, which is personal in nature, and comes from within the individual. Robbins (1993) also describes that it is the individual needs that make the outcomes to be attractive and unsatisfied needs will create tension to stimulate drives within the individual and this is called motivation process. Leadership: Leadership is defined as a social influence, process in which the leader seeks the voluntary participation of subordinates in an effort to reach organisational goals. There are many ways of looking at leadership and many interpretations of its meaning, it is therefore difficult to generalise about leadership (Mullins, 2002). However a definition from the 1990s said, Leadership is an influence relationship between leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes (Rost, 1991). Mullins also submitted that leadership is essentially a relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people (Mullins, 2002). Culture on the other hand, has the culture brought about by a nations culture such as language, religion, customs, traditions, norms of behaviour, beliefs, business ethics etc. For a successful globalisation, though organization culture plays an important part, it cannot over-ride the national culture. Any successful operation will pay much attention to the national culture in formulating its organization culture for that country. Leadership is the ability to lead, including inspiring others in a shared vision. Leaders have clear visions and they communicate these visions to their employees. Leadership has been a topic of interest to historians and philosophers, but only around the turn of the century did scientific studies begin. Since that time, scientists and other writers have offered more than 350 definitions of the term leadership (Daft, 1999). Defining leadership has been a complex problem because the nature of leadership itself is complex. In recent years, however, much progress has been made in understanding the essential nature of leadership as a real influence in organizations and societies (Northouse, 2001). It is worth reweaving the first conceptions of leadership the trait and the behavioural approach as one can learn from these former approaches in order to construct a new approach best fitting to the current economic situation. Leadership is related to motivation, interpersonal behaviour, culture and the process of communication. Di Cesar Sadri (2003) explains the dimensions of cultural impact on employee motivation, stating while the principle of leadership, motivation, and decision making may be applicable almost everywhere, their success or failure depends heavily on ways in which managers adapt to the local culture and work situation (cited in Di Cesar Sadri 2003, p.30). Culture can be defined as Symbols, language, ideologies, rituals, and myths (Pettegrew, 1979), or it can be said that it is a product; is historical; is based upon symbols; and is an abstraction from behaviour and the products of behaviour (Jongeward, 1979) or the famous definition by Edgar Schein a pattern of basic assumptions- invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with the problems of external adaptation and internal integration- that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.(Schein, 1985). Leadership can be defined below: Contingency Theories of Leadership Leadership is all about the way people are guided, involved and supported through the completion of a task or activity. There are many styles of leadership and every leader will have their own personal views why their style is the best method for them. All forms of leadership are individualistic and can be categorised into four different styles: Democratic, Paternalistic, Authoritarian (dictatorial) and Laissez-faire. Contingency Theories unlike Style Theories are primarily concerned with the factor that leaders are assumed their style can be varied at will. Style Theories simply assumes that there is a single leadership style that is suitable for all situations. Contingency Theories therefore assume that it is the situation itself which makes one style more appropriate than another. A Contingency Theory therefore is a theory that has to be suitable for the conditions in which leadership is to be exercised. An Outline of the Three Contingency Theories of Leadership Fiedlers Contingency Theory This theory is also referred to as the LPC, which stands for the Least Preferred Co-Worker. This is the subordinate that a supervisor was least able to work with successfully on a previous occasion. Fiedlers Theory is based upon his view that the most appropriate leadership style (which results in high task performance by workgroups) is denoted by the preferred behavioural style of the leader within the contextual circumstances in which the group operates. Basically if the leaders style is positive towards the workgroups then workers will work to a maximum output. The Path goal Theory of Leadership The Path goal theory is closely linked with Vrooms Expectancy Theory where the motivation for people to perform an activity is functional with two connected factors. These factors are expectancy and valence and are defined below. Æ’ËÅ"  Expectancy is about a person believing that his/her good/positive performance will lead to specific identifiable results. i.e. if this individual performs to his/her highest ability and this is shown and recognised then expectancy will lead to positive results. Æ’ËÅ"  Valence is to what extent this individual values these results i.e. valuing the results that he/she is expecting from the work carried out. The Hersey and Blanchard Contingency Approach Also named the situational leadership model theory this theory derived by Hersey and Blanchard argues that a managers style should alter according to the readiness of followers to take responsibility for directing their own actions. The term readiness is used to embrace task-related readiness and psychological readiness. Task-related readiness shows whether subordinated have the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to undertake a job without the leader having to plan, structure and direct their efforts. Psychological readiness is linked to the leaders subordinates characteristics such as self-motivation and pride in their work, which in turn may instil them to accept responsibilities. Key factors of successful contingency leadership theories: Æ’ËÅ"  Adapting to external surroundings and understand the people who you are leading what is the way in which they want to be lead? Æ’ËÅ"  What do these people want in return for task completion, Remuneration, praise and promotion. Æ’ËÅ"  Incorporating a motivational theme throughout the business is a key issue for task completion and for workers to experience the expectancy theory. (in reference to Vrooms Expectancy Theory) Æ’ËÅ"  Contingency Theories are not Leadership Styles. Culture: Culture is the acquired knowledge people use to interpret experience and generate behaviour (Spradley, 1980) take from Social Responsibility in the Market: Fair Trade of cultural products by (Littrell and Dickson, 1999). Culture encompasses a groups ideology, as well as its normative behaviours and its physical environment, artefacts and technology. As applied to business, the study of organisational culture offers insights into a firms unique character. Organisational culture evolves as a group learns to solve problems and conduct business (Schein, 1985). Often initiated by a strong founder, a firms culture perpetuates itself through the telling of company stories, daily rituals, hiring practices, training, rewards, and marketing decisions (Kotter and Heskett, 1992). According to (Rugman and Hodgetts, 2000) Organisational culture that people use to interpret experience and to generate social behaviour. Members of a group, organisation, or society share culture. Through culture we form values and attitudes that shape our individual and group behaviour. Culture is learned through both education and experience. Culture is also passed from one generation to another, so it is enduring. At the same time cultures constantly undergo change as people adapt to new environments. Having looked at culture in western countries, the attention will focus now specifically on Eastern (Pakistan) culture, its relationship with leadership and identify which international attitudes it is most closely associated with. From last past years certain characteristics have become influential in shaping Pakistani culture. Among the important cultural characteristics of Pakistan are vast differences in socio-economic status at the both societal and organisational level, and the influence of nationalism and secularism in transforming society into a western societal structure. The Quaid-e-Azam whos known as the founder of Pakistan was one of them who received a western influenced education and was consequently greatly inclined to European culture and institutions. Pakistan stands out as being different from Asian countries. Despite the fact that 99 percent of the Pakistani population is Muslims, the Pakistani state is secular. The ideology of Pakistan is based on principle of religion and state. In other words the state is independent of religious rules and is run by secular rules. Generally, externally characteristics serve as an important power base for leaders. Leaders power is a manifestation of feudal links and has strong roots in Pakistani culture, in that leaders are expected to promote patronage relationships with their followers. Objective: In view of this the objective of this dissertation is to undertake a critical evaluation of the impact of leadership on motivating the workforce within different cultures or contexts where different cultures exist. Expanding on this key objective, attention is focused on a number of distinct areas like: A review of the literatures dealing with motivation to establish whether or not there is strong relationship between motivation and effective leadership. A review of the literatures to establish whether or not there is strong relationship between effective leadership and culture. An assessment of leadership within different cultural context. To evaluate the extent to which American principles advocated in the leadership and motivation literatures will encounter cultural resistance when introduced to the Pakistani context. In what ways will the principles of motivation and leadership need to be modified and what will be the implications for management style. Research Method: The research for this dissertation (Proposal) started with review of relevant books, research and articles. First effort was directed towards establishing what research has been published in the chosen area and then other research that might currently be in the progress has been identified. This process that is called Critical reviewing helped to develop knowledge on this subject and also assisted in clarifying research. Methods: The references used within this dissertation proposal (Relationship between leadership, motivation and culture) are not an extensive list and the common of them are drawn from American or British journals publishing on the topic of leadership, motivation and culture. Furthermore qualitative research is a systematic method of post-mortem, which follows a logical in depth method problem solving conflicting in certain directions (Thomas and Nelson, 2001). With qualitative research a hypothesis is often not given at the beginning of research studies instead prospective are explored as the data unfold. Although the research aimed to put it in sincere effort to make this research as genuine and possible, one must accept that limitations remain as they always do in all human activities. The geographical distance between, the West (US UK) and East (Pakistan) is off course one of the major hindrances, and the limitation of time is another. Financial resources put another limitation, which might not allow the researcher to go all out for the purpose of data collection. Furthermore, all previous studies on the area, although none concerning developing countries such as Pakistan, focused on leadership style. This research can help to develop better strategic plans, such strategic plans for research question. In order to achieve the objectives the literature available with the Anglia Ruskin University will be studied and analysed along with the academic literature included; Anglia Ruskin University Library, mainly academic journals, which are closely related to research topic, including Harvard Business review, HR development International, HRM journals, Journal of Management studies and primarily academic books, including HRM, SHRM, IHRM, employee relation, international management, psychological and sociological contract etc and CIPD weekly magazine, general magazine, economist etc. Different resource of information provided by the university portal will be accessed and used like Emerald Database, Thomson Gale, and Ebsco etc. Time line: Research will be started in the third week of August 2010, The period of the whole research will be six months. The following timeline is based on my current course schedule. Description of the activity Start Date End Date Draft Dissertation Proposal Submission of Dissertation Proposal 23rd Aug 2010 Literature Study Research Design Analyses your design Collect and Analyse collect date as per research Writing dissertation Finalizing the dissertation and necessary editing and correction Submission of dissertation 6th Jan 2011 Aim of study: Motivation in the workplace holds a direct link to the leadership within organisation. In the modern age work has become the focus of our live. Work is the place where most of us find much our sense of full meaning. It is hard today for many of us separate our work from the rest of our lives. We spend much of our time at work or in work related social and leisure activities. Within this work environment, at its core we can find Motivation, Leadership and culture. The way in which these three issues combine has a defining influence on how we lead our lives. Leadership now days face some serious problems in determining and understanding the factors which are the motivational factors for people and similarly to get maximum possible one need to determine these factors beforehand. However, by studying motivation insight is found, drawing useful generalization, all of which will make the process of leading other that more effective. For many years the Pakistani business, education and cultural environment has been influenced by American business, education and culture. But a clearer understanding of how successful these cross cultural mix has been needs investigation to judge its success. In this work it will be distinguished what motivates people as well as how leadership gives direction, drawing on cultural factors. Most commonly family leadership occurs in business enterprises even in large companies in almost in a similar way in both regions but more common in Asia primarily emphasizing with respect to cultural differences giving importance. Li Ka-shing [of the Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong holding group], for example, has decided to give the leadership of his firms to his two sons these companies were run by him very closely, whereas in America if a company is being established and founded by a certain elder of the family of a largest firm will be holding the position but it is only if he has founded it and been establishing it. Boards and executives in America enjoy less freedom of action as compared to Asia. In America board of directors are mainly the authority to replace professional managers, they are either replaced or they get retired so they are replaced by other professional managers. Good companies train their own staff for future recruitment and they recruit and give priority to internal staff and chose their next chief executive from among themselves. On average a CEO will own less than 4 percent of its companys shares and would have served for at least thirty years with his company. There are certain companies who get publicity and try to over project than they actually are who hire executive from the external market without any experience. Then these CEOs strive to win and they think that money is not that important but professional achievement is all what they are after actually they are in a very highly competitive market. During the last decade in America its hard to get credit due to enormous inflation of top executives compensation packages. Many large companies in America receives their equity capital from capital market which is why they are mostly inclined and attentive towards Wall Street compared to Asian in common. Which is why Wall Street has definite expectations from the board of executives in terms of behaviour and performance and also whoever the next successor is too. It is the main reason that executive members of the board of directors get less chance to act freely in America rather than in Asia. In Asia, Siblings usually gets the succession. In Lis case, his two sons will receive it from him whereas Chief executive officer of General Electric is being groomed with a talent machine which is developed by Jack Welch. American firms are much more on advance stage than as of Asian firms, they To a significant degree, they have passed from founders family leadership to professional management and to capital obtained from the capital markets (rather than obtained from government-directly or indirectly-or from family fortunes). In this transition they have adopted particular styles of leadership responsive to boards (often led by outside directors) and to Wall Street. It is possible, but not certain, that Asian firms will also adopt this kind of important practice. Business Executives in Asia thinks its vital for them and their businesses to have connections with the ruling party or whoever is in the government offices, and in America its not that important to have such connections while in Asia it is the basic characteristics of executives and they think its also very important for their businesses. In America, Mostly business Executives even dont get the privilege to have any direct contact with top politicians and simply business is treated as business and executives dont even try to collaborate with top politicians and always keep the government on a certain distance and business is conducted by business people and experts. Still there are people in America who do involve and keep close ties with political guns so that to gain profitable margins but that wouldnt be on a large scale as of Asia and simply would be an exception.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Symbols and Symbolism in The Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays
Symbols in The Great Gatsby       The Great Gatsby is based on a man named Jay Gatsby and his idealistic infatuation to a girl named Daisy that he met while he was young.  Gatsby was not of a wealthy family and therefore Daisy would not marry him. Gatsby devoted his life to getting what he needed to win Daisy. After the war Gatsby became a bootlegger to attain what he needed to win Daisy. In the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses various colors, objects, and gestures as symbols to portray the lack of moral and spiritual values of people and the different aspects of society in the 1920's. The colors which are spread throughout the novel are green, white, gold, and others. F. Scott Fitzgerald provides a social commentary on the 1920's in this novel. The Great Gatsby is an important American novel and not just a mere historical document depicting life in the 1920's. Like other writers of the 20's Fitzgerald was fascinated by the spectacle of what had become of the American Dream and how it had become corrupted by greed andmaterialistic possessions.         At the end of Chapter One, Nick catches Gatsby stretching his arms out towards a green light. At the time it is not revealed to us that this is the light at the end of Daisy's dock.  he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and far as I was from him I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward--and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock. (Fitzgerald 26)         Throughout the novel Fitzgerald emphasizes the color green as a promise of hope. Through Gatsby this promise is corrupted by the means that he tries to attain it. By attaining material wealth to win Daisy, Gatsby also shows the corruption of the American Dream.      In the beginning of Chapter Two, Fitzgerald describes the huge billboard that watches over the Valley of Ashes.         The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic---their retinas are one yard high. They look out of no face but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Coleraine University Controversy
Hope was further raised hat he was heralding a change of direction In IN when he proposed the Lemmas- O'Neil talks. However, his rhetoric was soon seen as empty promises when he appeared to maintain Storming perceived west of the Ban policy with his failure to site IN second university in the Nationalist dominated Deere. During this time in IN, Unionists had majority rule. The Nationalist community was small and often felt mistreated by the unionist government. Since most Nationalists were Catholic and most Unionists were Protestant, religious and political divisions went concurrently.The flirts prime minister In IN (Sir James Craig) boasted that IN was a ‘protestant state for a Protestant people', which Just shows how biased the government often was against the Nationalists. This political and religious discrimination started when partition was introduced in Ireland. The six counties in IN remained a part of Great Britain, and the rest of the country became independent. Nation alists longed for a united Ireland whereas Unionists were pleased to be a part of the United Kingdom. This was the main cause towards the political strife at hand. When LordBreakthrough was prime minister he only managed to further Increase the Dillon between the two communities. Even though the Welfare state had Improved their living standards, the Nationalists still felt distant and separate from the rest of the IN community. This is why they became optimistic when O'Neill announced his plan to unite the two traditions in IN. He showed how willing he was to break away from the past by playing a key role in attracting foreign industries to N', which increased employment levels, and by recognizing the IN section of the Irish Congress of Trade unions.This raised the hopes of the Catholic community that more equal treatment might follow O'Neill had a quite a modernizing outlook which was proved when he arranged to meet with the Republic of Ireland's prime minister, Sean Lemmas. It was a historic meeting that involved political risks for both men. Unionists were outraged at their leader as they felt opposed to any connections with the Republic. This meeting held a great deal of significance as not only did it explore the possibility of future co- operation; It enlightened O'Neil to the fact that the unionist community was resistant o any changes that threatened their majority rule.I feel the Unloosens community acted brashly and undemocratically as they were adamant to being left unattached to the republic mainly due to the reason that they were worried that Nationalists would get more civil rights if the North formed stronger ties with the Nationalist Dominated South. The Ban River (the longest river in Ulster) was often used as a dividing line between the Eastern and Western areas of N'. To the East of the Ban the population had a substantial amount of Unionists, whereas to the West lay a ere usually seen as having less investment and government spending than t hose of the east.The East side also held the financial and industrial capital Belfast. This sparked arguments from the Catholics that the government was one-sided, especially when proportional representation was scrapped back in the sass and what is known as gerrymandering took place instead. This happened in particular in Deere, the voting wards in the city were split to preserve majority representation for Protestants in terms of seats on the Deere Corporation despite the large Catholic voting majority.The Nationalist community felt as though they were not accepted in the IN society, their voting privileges were mistreated and they were overlooked in the areas of Jobs and housing. When they heard a decision to establish a second university in IN had been arranged, the Catholics in Deere worked alongside the Protestants there to ensure their city was chosen as the new location. This provided the long a waited for link between the two communities. However, bitter public controversy quickly arose.As a result from the newly introduced welfare state, the massive increase in second level pupils led the government to assume that there loud shortly be an amplified demand for places at third level universities. The Robbins Report on Higher Education then advised a second university be constructed in N'. The Nationalist and Unionist politicians in Deere were quick to recommend their city as the site. In November 1963 an advisory committee was appointed under the chairmanship of Sir John Lockwood who was the Master of Bribers College in London.However no Catholics or Nationalist were included in this committee and this triggered the first bout of controversy over the new university. The people in Deere were determined to acquire a new university as it would be a major source of employment and would attract new industries. The Catholics were also eager to obtain the university as it would possibly lead to a larger population of Catholics in the city, meaning gerrymander ing would no longer be an issue. The Lockwood committee investigated a number of locations for the university and it became a sixteen month long process.They took into particular consideration the availability of the site, the proximity of the town and regional planning needs. Eventually Clearing was decided as the new position for the university. The people of Deere and Armada (who had also recommended their city as the location) were outraged by the committee's decision. However the committee members remained firm with their decision as they believed Clearing had presented a better case and also had all the necessary facilities needed for a new school.A ‘University for Deere campaign was set up under the chairmanship of local school teacher John Home. This was his first role in IN politics and he later became a leading political figure. The campaign led a delegation to Storming and more than 20,000 people took part in this protest. They pooped to prove to the government that Deere was the clear choice for the location of this new university. Although the majority of Deere was insistent on attaining the university, a group of Unionists known as faceless men' from Deere met with O'Neill stating Just the opposite.They feared that a new university in Deere would lead to an increase of Catholics which would threaten Unionist control of the city. This showed just how discriminated against the Catholics of IN were and how prejudiced the Protestant community could be. The actions of these men caused further distrust of going to be handed to them; they had to fight for it. It can be surmised from the above that O'Neill failed to implement his pledge on taking office. While he took some steps towards bridging North South relations with his meetings with Lemmas, he did little to bridge the divide between the Nationalists and Unionists in N'.The Nationalist hopes were dashed as they felt as though their previously seen ‘unbiased' leader had failed them. It c an be argued that the controversy surrounding the sitting of INN'S second university in Clearing only proceeded to heighten the tension between the two communities. It is also well documented that this action, which was en as a West of the Ban' policy, ignited the more radical nationalists and encouraged the Nationalist community to stop waiting and bring about change themselves.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Islam And Christianity Essays - Religion, Prophets Of Islam
Islam And Christianity Essays - Religion, Prophets Of Islam Islam And Christianity Although Islam is less known than Christianity, it is the fastest growing religion in the in our country today. Islam is actually derived form Christianity. History books indicate that one night in the year 610, the first of many revelations came to Muhammad from God by way of the angel Gabriel. The message Muhammad received told him that there was but one God, not many gods, as most Arabs believed. This God was creator of the world, and He would one-day judge mankind. The word Islam means surrender or submission, submission to the will of Allah, the one God. Muslims are those who have submitted themselves. The basic creed of Islam is brief: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Islam teaches that there is one God, the creator and sustainer of the universe. This God, Allah, is compassionate and just. Because He is compassionate, He calls all people to believe in Him and worship Him. Because He is also just, on the Last Day He will judge every person according to his deeds. On the Last Day, all the dead will be resurrected and either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell. The life of each Muslim is always within the community of the faithful, all are declared to be brothers to each other, with he mission to enjoin good and forbid evil. Within the community, Muslims are expected to establish social and economic justice. They are also expected to carry their message out to the rest of the world. In the early Islamic com munity, this meant the use of force in the form of jihad, or holy war. The object of jihad was to gain political control over societies and run them in accordance with the principles of Islam. During the decades following the death of Muhammad certain essential principles were singled out from his teachings to serve as anchoring points for the Islamic community. These have come to be called the five pillars of Islam. After the sudden death of Mohammed in 632, Caliph Abu Bakr ordered one of the prophets companions to collect, from oral and written sources, all of Mohammeds utterances. They were written in the Quran which is basically the Muslim Bible. The Quran is the written version of the teachings that Mohammed preached while he was alive. A second source of guidance for most Muslims is al-Hadith (Tradition), a vast body of transmitted stories of what the Prophet said or did or what was said or done in his presence and therefore approved by him It was Muhammad's contention that Christianity had departed from belief in God's message as revealed in their Scriptures. God had sent many prophets, among them Abraham, who is considered the founder of the faith for Islam, as he is also for and Christianity. The Koran, using sources in the older Scriptures and later traditions, relates the stories of Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Aaron, David, Solomon, Jesus. After Muhammad's death in AD 632, it was feared that the content of the revelations might be lost, as those who had originally memorized it died. It was therefore decided to collect all the revelations, from what ever source, and make a compilation. Christianity and Islam are two of the most significant religions since their creation. Islam means submission in Arabic, and a Muslim is one who submits to the will of God. Christians were called so because of Jesus title Christos, which is Greek for Messiah. Both religions are very similar with only some of the beliefs and teachings b eing different. They also give separate messages to outsiders as to what their religions stand for. Both religions are monotheistic with a holy text and they both strive to conquer evil. Islam has a set of rules (5 Pillars of Islam) set forth to reach enlightenment while Christians basically just sin, repent, and then are forgiven for their sins. Christianity is a much easier religion to belong to because it is a lot more lenient to what you can and cannot do as well as when and where you can do it. Islam is also more closed doors because the do not really send out missionaries looking
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
philosophy of corrections Essay Example
philosophy of corrections Essay Example philosophy of corrections Essay philosophy of corrections Essay 2006; Allen Simonsen, 2001). Transportation was additionally a public exercise in European states as they hold dominions all above the world. For instance, Australia was industrialized as a British penal dominion as well as Tasmania and supplementary locations. The American dominions were one more point of destination for British convicts (Spierenburg, 1995). Later the American Revolution, England had to halt transporting prisoners to America. As British prisons came to be overcrowded, a colossal number of convicts were assigned to deserted ships†hulks†placed on the stream Thames (Allen Simonsen, 2001). As area penalty was believed a good restraint for offenders, corporal penalty and demise were extremely spread in European countries. As such, torture, mutilation and demise were extremely prominent in Great Britain from the ixteenth to the eighteenth century. With the Enlightenment, a change in penal believed transpired in Europe. In 1764, Cesare Beccaria wrote An Essay on Offenses and Punishments, in that he supported for a profound reformation of penology believed, administration of fairness and punishment. Beccaria (1764) clashed that punishments ought to fit the offense and ought to be precise, quick and severe. In supplement, Beccaria (1764) trusted that regulations should be composed and legal prudence ought to be limited. Jeremy Bentham was one of the managing reformers for British convict law. Bentham supported for a arrangement of graduated punishments to make a system were penalty and offense were equal. Instituted on his believed that humans are hedonistic, the aim of humans is to maximize pleasure as minimizing pain; Bentham trusted that punishments were the best restraint for crime. Bentham was not in favor of the demise penalty but did like the believed of incarceration and area humiliation. John Howard is recognized as one of the main proponents of prison improvements on the past of penology. Howard voyaged extensively all above Europe to examine Jails and prisons. In 1777, he described his indings and his counseled improvements in his State of Prisons. Howard (1777) supported for safeguard and sanitary abilities, inspection and a reformatory regime. As America was a British dominion, settlers lived below the British laws. At this period, punishments were cruel and relied deeply on corporal punishment and demise as incarceration was not an spread exercise. In 1682, Pennsylvania adopted The Outstanding LaW promulgated by English Quaker William Penn. The Outstanding Regulation was quite humane and emphasized on hard labor as extra competent penalty than death. As such, merely premeditated slaughter was ndictable by demise The Outstanding Regulation was in power till it was substituted by the Anglican Program in 1718; an extremely punitive code. The Anglican Program tabulated disparate corporal punishments (e. . mutilation and branding) and thirteen capital offenses Later the American Revolution, the thoughts of the Enlightment obtained momentum. With the thoughts of Beccaria and Bentham and the Statement of Independence, a new penal arrangement was industrialized As such, reformers clashed that Americans had to move away from barbarism and punitive measures of penalty and embrace a extra rational and hum anistic way to ome to be very prominent in Philadelphia as hey industrialized the Area for the Alleviating the Miseries of Area Prisoners in 1787 below the association of Benjamin Rush. The Philadelphia Walnut Road Jail was crafted to imitate the Quaker believed of penitentiary -a locale whereas prisoners might imitate on their offenses and become penitent and therefore experience reformation. Inmates were categorized by their offenses; Weighty offenders were allocated in solitary imprisonment without labor, as supplementary offenders worked across the date Jointly in silence and were confined separately at night. Later the Walnut Road Jail came to be extremely overcrowded, two new prisons were crafted in Pittsburg and Philadelphia, that marked the progress of a penitentiary arrangement established in confinement. In distinct imprisonment, prisoners were grasped in isolation alongside all hobbies grasped in their cells. The Pennsylvania arrangement of distinct imprisonment came into attack due to harsh punishments and prisoners paining mental breakdowns due to isolation. The New York Penitentiary at Auburn was established on the congregate system. Below this arrangement, inmates worked in workshops across the date and hey were retained a portion across the evening time. Elam Lynds, the warden at Auburn, instituted a law of control that included the lockstep and wearing stripped uniforms. Lynds additionally utilized the contract labor arrangement, in that inmates worked for free for confidential employers who endowed raw materials utilized to make products in the penitentiary. By the mid-1800s reformers had come to be disenchanted alongside the penitentiary model. Neither the Pennsylvania arrangement nor the Auburn system attained the anticipated aim of rehabilitation and deterrence. Thus, penitentiaries came to be quickly overcrowded, understaffed, nd brutality was much extended. In 1865, The New York Prison Association provided Enoch Wines and Theodore Dwight the task of surveying prisons nationwide. Wines and Dwight discovered that reformation was not the main aim of countless prisons and that corporal penalty was an spread exercise In 1870, Wines and supplementary penal specialists led an encounter in Cincinnati. From this encounter, a statement of principles was developed. Amid these principles were the demand to use a association of prisoners, indeterminate sentencing and reformation. The ultimate aim of these reformers was the reformation of inmates. The Early reformatory was crafted in Elmira, New York. Zebulon Brockway was appointed superintendent. Brockway was a large advocate of diagnosis and treatment. He emphasized education and training to delight inmates, who were interviewed to comprehend the reasons of their deviance In supplement, Brockway utilized a mark arrangement of association, indeterminate sentencing and parole. Brockway receded in 1900 (Rothman, 1995). The thoughts of Wines, Brockway and supplementary penal reformers considerably contributed to the progress of present American corrections by introducing thoughts uch as inmate association, rehabilitative plans, sentencing, parole and educational plans The early two decades of the twentieth century embodied a drastic change on the communal landscape of America. Industrialization, urbanization and technological and logical advancement revolutionized the American society. At this period, the progressives†upper-class philanthropists†believed that they might resolve most communal setbacks derived from quick urbanization in big rehabilitated across individualized treatment The progressives were deeply affected by the positivist school of criminology Positivists trusted that convict deeds is not a roduct of free will; it is product of biological characteristics, psychological and a little sociological conditions. As such, convicts can be treated (See Lombroso, 1876). The progressives wanted to (1) enhance the conditions of living of little spans whereas criminality was prominent, and (2) reinstate offenders. The progressives pursued governmental deed to enhance the living conditions of the poor as a method to battle crime. Their strategies encompassed larger area health, area housing and education. By the 1920s, the progressives were prosperous on requesting probation, indeterminate sentencing, parole and Juvenile courts. Even though these strategies were counseled at the 1870 Cincinnati encounter, the progressives were instrumental on requesting them across the United States. The medical model of corrections was based on the belief that criminal behavior is caused by social, psychological, or biological deficiencies that require treatment. Based on the progressive movement, the medical model was implemented in the 1930s. One of the main proponents of the medical model was Howard Hill who designed the Norfolk State Prison in Massachusetts in 1927. Gill staffed his prison with educators, psychologists and ocial workers to provide individualized treatment to inmates. In 1929, Congress authorized the new Federal Bureau of Prisons under the leadership of Stanford Bates, to develop institutions with treatment as the main goal. Bates was a strong advocate of the medical model. The 1950s is known as the era of treatment in American Corrections. Punishment was perceived as an obsolete way to deal with offenders and treatment took a central role in penology. To this extent, prison became mental health institutions were inmates were continuously tested for their readiness to reenter society. After World War II, psychiatry was used as a tool to rehabilitate offenders. As such, group counseling, behavior modification techniques, psychotherapy and individual counseling were common ways to treat inmates. Marylands Patuxent Institution was one of the best examples of a prison built according to the principles of the medical model. During the 1960s and 1970s, the American society experienced many changes due in part to the civil rights movement, the war on poverty and the Warren Court. Contrary to the medical model, the community corrections model advocated for the reintegration of the offender into society. Proponents of the community model proposed that psychological treatment should be substituted for vocational and educational programs that helped inmates to become successful citizens. Due to rising crime rates, in the mid-1970s, critics of the rehabilitation model attacked indeterminate sentencing and parole urging release not to be linked to treatment. Proponents of increased crime control called for longer sentences particularly for habitual and violent offenders. Robert Martinson surveyed 231 treatment plans in the United States and, in 1974, he published a report shouted What works? Inquiries and Answers on Prison Reform. In his report, Martinson finished that, except for insufficient plans, rehabilitation did not have each affirmative result on recidivism. The Martinson report was utilized by officials to apply a get tough philosophy on penology. As such, in the 1980s and 1990s, the new crime ideal supported for the use of incarceration and severe supervisions well as (and yet are) at that time. References Foster, B. (2006). Corrections: The Fundamentals. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Whyte, A. , Baker, J. (2000, May 8). Prison Labor on the Rise in U. S.. Retrieved from wsws. org Visher, C. A. 1987. Incapacitation and Crime Control: Does a Lock Em Up Strategy Reduce Crime? Justice Quarterly 4:413-543. Foster, B. (2006). Corrections:The Fundamentals. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Lambert, T, A brief history of punishment. , NJ: Stukin, Stacie. Violated Vibe Monthly January 2004: 100-104. Kosof, Anna. Prison Life: The Crisis Today. New York: Franklin Watts, A Division of Grolier Publishing, 1995. Prison, Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2003. Available. http:// encarta. msn. com. copyrighted 1997-2003. drtomoconnor. com/ 1050/10501ect01 . htm Adler, F. , Mueller, G. O. , Laufer. W. S. (2006). Criminal Justice An introduction 4th Ed Ezorsky, G. (1977). Philosophical Perspectives on Punishment Mays, G. L. Winfree, L. (2009). Essentials of corrections. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Schmalleger, F. Smykla, 1. 0. (2011). Corrections in the 21st century. New York, N. Y. McGraw Hill Seigel, L. J. Bartollas, C. (2011). Corrections Today. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth David K. Haasenritter, Military Correctional System: An Overview, Corrections Today, 65, No. 7 (December 2003), 58-61. J. W. Roberts, Federal Bureau of Prisons: Its Mission, Its History, and Its Partnership with Probation and Pretrial Services, Federal Probation, 1, No. (March 1997), 53-57. Paul W. Keve, Prisons and the American Conscience: A History of U. S. Federal Corrections (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1991). The American Prison: From the Beginning A Pictorial History, (College Park, MD: The American Correctional Association, 1983). Normal Morris and David J. Rothman, Editors, The Oxford History of the Prison: The Practice of Punishment in Western Society (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995). Richard P. Setter, Correctional Administration: Integrating Theory and Practice (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002). Federal Bureau of Prisons, Legal Resource Guide to the Federal Bureau of Prisons 2003 (Washington, DC: US Dept. Justice, 2003). Joseph Summerill, Reforming Prison Contracting: An Examination of Federal Private Prison Contracts, Corrections Today, 64, No. 7 (December 2002), 100-103. David K. (December 2003), 58-61. Gregory J. Stroebel and John l. Hawthorne Ill, Marine Corps Corrections Similar But Not Identical to Civilian Corrections, Corrections Today, 65, No. 7 (December 2003), 62-64. Michele D. Buisch, High-Level Security Inmates, Corrections Compendium, 28, No. 9 (September 2003), 9-28.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Women as commodities of colonialism & capitalism Essay
Women as commodities of colonialism & capitalism - Essay Example Critical relations between races and genders were first formed to somehow satisfy the demands of Imperialism, which is characterized by unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationships which are believed to be the ways of reaching the goal of globalization at high speed. This pushed for a re-examination of race and gender dynamics to fit imperialism’s aim for profits. Intellectual representatives of Capitalism, an economic system that supports private ownership of the means of production of goods or services, which is again brought about by Colonialism movement believed that White people are the only race that are capable of entrepreneurial skills and to produce profits that resulted to the exploitation of the white working class while Africans or the blacks were deprived of land, properties, and work. They were only considered slaves which started the inception of a society of parasites and crimes. Indeed, it was not only racism that Colonialism created, instead, an empire that consisted of many captive nations (Lee and Rover, n.p.). Neocolonialism made the case of poverty, inequality, and abuses grow worse. Aside from racism that was imposed on the Blacks, women were also considered as commodities that were mere instruments for the production of wealth, tainting on their natural and moral rights. The target would always be unmarried women who did not have children and at the same time widowed women. Some concrete examples of which would be the deployment of mostly young women by bulk to some of the most developed capitalist countries such as Bangladesh, a large supplier of apparel to America to provide cheap labor, specifically, a $13 monthly wage; Minor women ages 15 to 35 were forced to work in sugar or mining in South Korea and Thailand with an unfavorable working environment, and or involve them in sex trade that pushes for tourism which is one of the strongest source of foreign trade that time; and a lot of women were involved in the elec tronic industry where after just three or four years of work would already cause them eyesight damage because of the endless hours of peering through a microscope just to maximize profit in exchange of only $15 - $25 a month wage (Lee and Rover, n.p.). Aside from the deployment of women in foreign countries to provide cheap or no labor at all, women were also exploited in their own motherland. The United Nations data report shows that two thirds of the food production profit of the world came from women labor during neocolonialism and colonialism (Lee and Rover, n.p.). Women were greatly associated as the faming class until farming opened into an export business that translated into easy cash, which caused farming and agriculture reassigned to men as part of their gender identity, while women were immediately driven off their lands. During the rise of Capitalism, gender roles and relationships began to be more unsettling especially to the commoditization of women. Instead of Capital ism becoming a good opportunity for women who mostly have experiences in textile, technology, and agriculture business to own and grow their own businesses that would increase local and foreign trade, it increased oppression of women. As opposed to neocolonialism and colonialism where women only have to endure super-exploitation in labor, Capitalism added a burden to them by challenging women to work around strong religious traditions in their workplace. An example of which are women workforce in Malaysia would have to face moral and ethical issues in relation to
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Daily Mail is considered by many to be problematic. What (if any) Essay - 2
The Daily Mail is considered by many to be problematic. What (if any) is the problem with the Daily Mail and why is it like this - Essay Example s, The Daily Mail has come to face a lot of criticism for publishing some stories that have ended up not being true or those that are controversial and this has led to a situation where it has come to be viewed as problematic in some circles. One of the reasons why The Daily Mail has come to be considered problematic is based on the belief that its highly conservative nature has led to a situation where it has been accused of promoting the worst in British society. This is especially the case where this newspaper has been accused of publishing articles that essentially promote racism as well as discrimination against immigrants. Such instances are seen through its bringing to the fore incidents that occur rarely and promoting them as the face of those that take place on a daily basis (Pilger, 1998). Among these is the highlighting of those rare cases where immigrants are provided with housing and allowances by the government at the taxpayers’ expense. The Daily Mail has been accused of using these rare cases as a means of promoting the belief within British society that the presence of immigrants is detrimental to it and that it has to be opposed at all costs. Furthermore, this paper’s opposition to immigra tion has created a situation where there has been an increase in hostility towards immigrants from society who have come to believe that these individuals are taking advantage of them to secure themselves economically. It is necessary to note that this newspaper rarely publishes the stories of those immigrants whose need is quite genuine and those who have come to Britain not out of choice but because of necessity considering such conditions as war in their home countries. It is through such one sided views that has led to The Daily Mail being considered not to be impartial in its reporting. The Daily Mail is a newspaper that has been mired in controversy in recent years as a result of publishing stories that have lacked credibility. This was the case when
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