Friday, December 27, 2019
The Genocide A Mass Murder Of People From A Ethnic Group
A genocide is a mass murder of people from a particular ethnic group or nation. The genocide in Rwanda seems to start when the Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, was shot down above Kigali airport in 1994.The political and historical context was handled passably as it showed to an extent how innocent Hutus and Tutsis were being slaughtered. It also mentioned the president being Hutu and Tutsis killed him from his plane, and how the radio announcers were calling Tutsis cockroaches and saying how horrible they are. This is capturing the effect the Belgians had on the two groups. The movie made it look like there was no separation between the tribes before the Belgians through a conversation a reporter had with one Hutu and one†¦show more content†¦Over time, we see that he doesn’t only just care about his family, but his neighbors and other civilians too, no matter if they were Hutu or Tutsi. The UN colonel tells Paul he receives orders not to shoot and inte rvene in the commotion and to only take care of all non-Rwandan inhabitants and get them home safely since it’s a civil war. The UN Colonel says to Paul that the camps they have are chaotic and they’re only there to be peace keepers, not peace makers. Paul initially thought the western reaction would be tremendous as everyone would come to their aid seeing the suffering and butchering of tons of innocent people. As the violence was worsening, the UN received orders only to get foreign visitors and remove its forces without shooting, as this wasn’t their civil war to intrude in. The UN colonel thinks that Paul should be furious with him because the western countries and UN have chosen to forget about them. The colonel says he’s â€Å"not even a nigger†to Paul. This is saying that the world sees him and Rwandans as less than an African Americans and there’s no reason to help stop the conflict, especially because Rwanda has no natural resource s like oil that other nations could gain from helping to resolve the conflict. George Rutaganda, who runs a storeroom and is the leader of the Hutu militia, was disgusted by Paul’s thought that he couldn’t kill all the Tutsis. The scene following Paul and George’s meeting made me upset and was appalling
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Ethics of Affirmative Action Essay example - 2184 Words
Affirmative Action: Staying on the Road to Equality â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness†(Declaration of Independence, 1776). Who would imagine that in a country under the blanket such a brilliant, ethical and proud statement of equality, there could be so much dissention about equality? Our nation has interpreted this statement differently since it was written, and still, more than two hundred years later, we are on the road to a truly equal society. This is because racism has its seeds deeply sown into the history of America. Uprooting perceptions†¦show more content†¦The United States began as thirteen English settler colonies. Britain had control over American government and trade. The thirteen colonies were also used to the advantage of Britain, and they did not like it, so they fought for independence and won the Revolutionary War. They were no longer colonies. People from many different European countries began to immigrate to America. The United States were becoming very ethnically diverse. Though colonialism was ended in the United States, exploitation of labor was not. Slaves were brought from Africa in large numbers, most often to work on plantations in the south. Slavery was a key element of United States society and economy. People of African descent were viewed as not even fully human. For example, in the Dred Scott case of 1857, the Supreme court ruled that black Americans were not constitutionally citizens of the United states, calling them â€Å"subordinate and inferior beings.†(Kranz 6). Only six years later, after the Civil War ended, President Lincoln declared all slaves free by the Emancipation Proclamation, which was followed by the Thirteenth Amendment, which permanently abolished slavery. In the eyes of the government, blacks were free citizens of the United States, but in the eyes of man y Americans they were still inferior. The ideology that had been cultivated for centuries was not as easy to change as the law. This wasShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Affirmative Action Essay1667 Words  | 7 PagesEssay The Affirmative Action Debate Affirmative Action Defined Affirmative Action can be defined as â€Å"positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded (Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)†. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
United States Healthcare free essay sample
The big question is should we change our healthcare as we know it today. The United States is proposing a universal healthcare system to help alleviate people who don’t have medical care and the cost of medical today. Do we really want a government who can’t seem to run the offices they have now running our universal healthcare system? What makes the United States think that they can do a good job at running Universal Healthcare, when other countries can’t seem to get it right either? Maybe we need to look into other ways to better our healthcare system before we dive into Universal Healthcare ran by the government. One of the disadvantages to Universal Healthcare in the United States is that the United States government will be running the healthcare system. The United States government is currently having trouble running their offices. How is the government going to be able to run universal healthcare, if they are having trouble running other government run systems? Currently, there are two systems run by the government that are on the verge of going bankrupt today, Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security (TW). Can you think of any government office that runs efficiently? There isnt one government office that can run United Healthcare more efficiently than the private entities do. (Messerli). The proposal that the government currently has for Universal Healthcare shows the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) running the Universal Healthcare system (Messerli). Do we really want the IRS to run the healthcare system? The government wants to give the IRS the authority to determine who needs medical care and who don’t. As an individual or family you would need to indicate on your tax return whether or not you have acceptable insurance. You would be required to submit a form similar to your W-4 to prove that you have acceptable insurance. If you do not submit this form the IRS has the ability to fine you. They will also be the ones to determine how much you have to pay for your insurance (York). This is just another way our government can control us and take more of our money. Our rights are being taken away little by little, until one day we wont have any more rights. Our government cant’ handle running social programs like universal healthcare (TW). One of the issues is how Universal Healthcare will be funded. The money has to come from somewhere. The money to pay for a system this large is most likely going to be coming from our taxes. The government will either raise taxes or do some cutting elsewhere. The unfortunate thing is how much more in debt is our government going to become. Are we going to go bankrupt as a nation? (Messerli). Instead of increasing our government spending, maybe we need to focus on the issues of poor health in the United States. We need to realize that we are all responsible for our own health. Quite a number of our healthcare problems are self inflicted. Some of the leading causes of death are self inflicted, such as obesity, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Most of these are preventable through exercising, diet, not smoking or drinking, and living a healthy life. We need to look at many aspects before diving into a government controlled healthcare reform (Mackey). Another issue is how much flexibility are we going to have under this system? At first you might think universal healthcare will increase your flexibility. In all actuality some controls are going to have to be put in place in order to curtail cost. You are not going to be able to choose any doctor you want to. Surgeries like breast implant, hair restoration, and Lasik eye surgery won’t be allowed. It’s all going to come down to political issues. Whenever you have the government controlling something politics come into play. Every medical procedure is going to turn into a battle between one party and another. In the end it will control and limit patient options (Messerli). How much is the government going to step in? Are we going to be able to make any decisions ourselves? Will the government not treat people, because maybe they feel they are not worth saving, or that they don’t have as long of a life expectancy as someone else. The government will determine when people can see their doctors. There will be rules put into place as to when doctors will be able to give expensive tests or certain medications. The government’s involvement is only going to make things worse. It will lead to poor patient care as well as a decrease in doctor flexibility (Messerli). Before diving into government run healthcare we need to determine if there are other things we can do with our current healthcare system. What can we do to save the system we have now? One idea is by having an HSA (Health Savings Account). HSA’s help lower you medical care costs. You put money into an account before taxes. Another way is to have a higher deductible. You wouldn’t be paying so much for insurance (Mackey). Another way to help our system now is to enact a Medicare reform. Currently Medicare is heading toward bankruptcy. We need to have a reform that will create patient choices as well as responsibility. You need to fix the systems we currently have before implementing another system. Who’s to say that system won’t have problems in the future, and then where will we be? We also need to do something about how much money these doctors pay out for malpractice insurance. If we do something to stop the costs doctors pay out for their overhead, then they wouldn’t charge us so much. This country is lawsuit happy and at the drop of a hat we cry lawsuit. Ending lawsuits that are not necessary will help lower the cost of healthcare. Maybe we need to change some the IRS benefits for health insurance. Currently employer health insurance benefits are fully tax deductible, but individual health insurance isnt. Everyone should have the same tax benefits. The government needs to make things fair for everyone, not just one person. We can also repeal the laws that prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines. We should have the right to purchase health insurance from any company no matter where we live (Mackey). All of these things add up and get passed down to us through the cost of healthcare that we pay. There are so many things we can fix with our current health system, before we dive into universal healthcare. Fix what we have first. We should also take a step back and look at other countries Universal Healthcare systems. Are they as good as what we think? Do they run efficiently? You will find that everything is not greener on the other side. Many countries like the UK and Canada have long wait times to see specialists or even regular doctors. In England there is a long waiting list, in order to be admitted in the hospital or receive treatment, which are 1. 8 million people long In Canada, the long waits for seeing doctors have sent many individuals to private care. It takes 22 months for residents of Saskatchewan to get an MRI. There are about 57% of Canadians that report having to wait a month to see a specialist. Due to the wait times many individuals obtain private insurance in order to get the medical care they need (TW). In Canada and the UK there are no rights to healthcare. The government tells the citizens what healthcare treatments they are eligible to receive and when they can receive them (Mackey). As you can see from some statistics other countries are struggling with universal healthcare currently. There is no sure fire way to implement universal healthcare and still have the rights we currently have. We all really need to take a closer look on healthcare reform. Is this really what we want? It is important and essential to a long and healthy life, but it is equally important to have choices and say-so in matters of health. No matter what kind of reform is enacted they need to make sure that they be financially responsible for it and give us the ability to choose the doctors and healthcare services that best suit each person’s unique lifestyle choices. We are all responsible for our own lives and health. All of us should take our responsibility seriously and use our own freedom to make the choices that will be suit our health.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Relationship Between Art And Society Mimesis Essays - Narratology
Relationship Between Art And Society: Mimesis The relationship between art and society: Mimesis as discussed in the works of Aristotle, Plato, Horace and Longinus The relationship between art and society in the works of Plato are based upon his idea of the world of eternal Forms. He believed that there is a world of eternal, absolute and immutable Forms (the world of the Ideal) and this is proven by the fact when man is faced with the appearance of anything in the material world, his mind is moved to a remembrance of the Idea or an absolute and immutable version of the thing he sees. It is this moment of recollection that he wonders about the contrast between the world of shadows and the world of the Ideal. It is in this moment of wondering that man struggles to reach the world of Forms through the use of reason. Anything then that does not serve reason is the enemy of man. Given this, it is only but logical that poetry should be eradicated from society. Poetry shifts mans focus away from reason by presenting man with imitations of objects from the concrete world. Poetry, with its focus on mimesis or imitation, has no moral value. While Plato sees reality as a shadow of a realm of pure Ideas (which in turn is copied by art), Aristotle sees reality as a process of partially realized forms moving towards their ideal realizations. Given this idea by Aristotle, the mimetic quality of art is redefined as the duplication of the living process of nature and its need to reach its potential form. Art then for Aristotle does not become the enemy of society if the artist is loyal in the representation of the process of becoming in nature. Horace, like Aristotle and Plato, also brings to view a theory of poetry as mimesis. He believes that a poet should imitate real life and real manners in a similarly real language of the times. This is because of his belief of the importance of the audiences response to art. Horace focuses on the conventions that an artist must fulfill so that the expectations of the audience may be met. The audience of that time was composed of both the equites , who expected amusement from art, and the senatores , who expected beneficial lessons from art, and so the artist must know his craft and the conventions of his craft so that art may fulfill its ultimate role in society which is both to create pleasure and to instruct. Longinus believed that great art relied on the innate greatness of the artist soul. He believed that a writer taps into to his natural ability when creating great art. This quality is what is called sublimity. This idea of sublimity proposes that naturally gifted writers have the ability to create moving thoughts and emotions that impacts on his reader. But the writer, though he has innate genius, is still dependent on society, for great writing is a honing of the great soul through the knowledge and imitation (mimesis) of previous tradition (previous tradition of writers). English Essays
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