Friday, May 31, 2019
Cleopatra Essays -- essays research papers
When you think of Cleopatra you tend to think of Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile. Which isnt far from the truth. Cleopatra was queen of Egypt, which is located on the Nile River. In her lifetime she had every luxury imaginable, which she use to gain the popularity of the roman authority. She was very important in terms of Egyptian history. However she was also very well known in terms of papistic history. She seduced some of most well known Roman hands of her time. Cleopatra was a seductress. Who used her fame and fortune to seduce these men. Some of these men included such men as Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.Cleopatra was born in 69 BC She was the last Ptolemaic ruler. Her father was the Ptolemy XII. She was very, which added to her popularity of the Egyptian and Roman world. Cleopatra t...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Relationships in Lawrences Sons and Lovers Essay -- Lawrence Sons and
Relationships in Lawrences Sons and Lovers There can be no argument that D. H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers is a study of military personnel relationships. Gertrude Morel, because of her turbulent and odd relationship with her husband, ends up developing deep emotional relations with her two eldest sons. The second eldest in particular, Paul, is the receiver of near of this deep emotion. Because of these feelings and the deeper-than-usual emotional bond between the two, Paul has difficulty being comfortable in his own relationships. Pauls relationship with Miriam is plagued by his mothers disapproval, jealousy, and Miriam s own spirituality. Pauls relationship with Miriam is unmatchable where the love is not allowed to flourish. Although there is no doubt that there is love between the two, the forces around them create tension that suppresses it. Miriam believes herself not nearly as fair as she really is. Because of this she is always looking for things to love her. In the case of Paul she believes that if Paul was to need her, if she could take care of him, if he could depend on her, if she could, as it were, have him in her arms, how she would love him.(137) However, this is never allowed to happen. Pauls mother Gertrude already occupies this space in his life. Thus the relationship between the two is a pare for an identity. The relationship is a struggle between Paul and his mother and Paul and Miriam. The main conflicts between Paul and Miriam are between physical- spiritual differences and his mother. Miriam holds spirituality precise close to her. Thing with Miriam are always on a very spiri... in to his mother, he breaks it off with Miriam. We get the impression that Miriam waits for Paul forever. It concretely ends when his mother dies and he leaves to find himself. Sons and Lovers is a study of human relationships. Paul is the receiver of most of his mothers deep emotional feelings and has with her a bond tighter than normal. Because of this Paul has deflect handling and being comfortable with his own relationships. Pauls relationship with Miriam was plagued by his mothers disapproval. If it wasnt for the selfishness of his mother Paul would of most likely been happy with Miriam. Work Cited Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers. New York Viking, 1913. On-line. U of Virginia electronic Text Center. Internet. 23 February 1998, www
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay example --
Reasons Why Diamond Bangle Bracelets Should Be Included In Your Weeding Day Shopping List The wedding is the most important and exciting day in the life of a person. It is a day which signifies not provided the relationship of the bride and groom, but also their immediate families, friends and society. This is the reason why all brides are generally excited about their bridal jewellery be it earring, ring, necklace or sparkling bracelet. Which bracelet should you choose for your wedding day? There are very many options available in the market but infield fallal bracelets for women remain the best choice for most people. These bridal bracelets lend elegance to the brides wrist. They are stylish and beautiful, and they will not just add flash to the wedding but will also impinge on statement about your style. You provoke get diamond bangle bracelets for women in various designs ranging from subtle and smash to bold or dainty. For very long time, diamond has been popular choice wedding bangle bracelets because it symbolizes everlasting love. Bangle bracelets made of diamond will add touch of elegance to your wedding gown, as well as sophistication top your entire wedding attire. Many women love rings and bracelets that match the pretext of the wedding gown, and thus diamond bangle bracelets have gained popularity all over the world. In most weddings you will find that the bride has adorned her wrist with dazzling, beautiful diamond bracelet. In terms of look, bangle bracelets made of diamond are gorgeous and thus they will add sparkle to the eyes of all those who attend your wedding. altogether brides, regardless of their age love diamond bangle bracelets If you are a bride, you can choose your favorite from the various options available such... ... you believe that you are not getting a better deal, walk away and go to another pawn shop. Let the clerks and sales people realize that you are not desperate, and can afford to wait until you get a better deal. Before you take your jewelry to the San Francisco pawn shop, select them as presentable as possible. Clean them to make them as presentable as possible. If you still have the original packaging in which they came, take it with you to the pawn shop. No matter how expensive your piece of jewelry is, you must ensure that you clean it. Never take the jewelry to the pawn shop while it is in bad shape, or dirty. If the jewelry is made of gold, make sure that you also familiarize yourself with the current gold prices. As long as you follow the tips mentioned above, you can go to the local San Francisco pawn shop with a great deal of self-belief, to get best deals.
Capital Punishment is an Effective Deterrent :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Capital Punishment is an Effective Deterrent Throughout history, statistics have proven that Capital Punishment has been an effective deterrent of studycrime. Capital Punishment is the lawful infliction of death among criminals andhas been used to punish a wide variety of offenses for many years all over the knowledge base (Bedau 16). When the death penalty is enforced, it shows society thatcommitting a capital crime has deadly consequences. In early times, many methods of Capital Punishment were used to deter avariety of crimes. For over a century, the uniform method for executing personsin America was hanging, although starvation was very common also. There wereexceptions which included spies, traitors, and deserters who would face a firingsquad. Then in 1888, New York directed the construction of an electric chair(Flanders 11). It was seed that the new harnessed power of electricitywo uld prove to be a more scientific and humane means of execution. The firstelectrocution took place in New York in 1890. In the past, capital crimes were much different than they ar now.Robbery and the selling of alcohol to underage customers was a serious capitalcrime (McCuen and Baumgart 21). Rape was also a crime where the criminal wassentenced to death. In America, scarce thirty-seven states authorize the death penalty. Inmost of those thirty-seven states, murder is the only capital crime. TheSupreme Court requires that two conditions must be met in order for a specificmurder to warrant the death penalty (Nardo 32). The first condition is that itmust be first degree murder, which is the deliberate and moot taking oflife. The second is that one or more aggravating circumstances must be present. Aggravating Circumstances refer to those aspects of a crime that amplification itsseverity. An example of an aggravating circumstance would be torture inconjunction with a murder. (Capital Punishment 32). Every society has faced the problem of what to do with its mosttroublesome criminals. Many people in the past have argued whether or notCapital Punishment is justified and necessary. Most societies now believe that a criminal should receive punishmentproportional to the crime committed. Most societies believe that such a severepunishment was necessary to install affright in others. While more social structures developed, the crimes developed into publicand private offenses. Public offenses such as witchcraft and blasphemy, werepunished by the state while private offenses still were answered by acts ofpersonal retribution. The enforcement of Capital Punishment in the early twentieth centurydeclined drastically because of all of the controversy.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
First Inhabitants of the Great Lakes Region Essay -- North American Ge
The First Inhabitants of the nifty Lakes Region in North AmericaAs archeological discoveries of bone fragments and fossils continue to support the existence of homo-sapiensin North America prior to the arrival of Indo-European explorers in the 15th century, this paper will attempt toexplain chronologically, which Native American inhabitants lived or migrated end-to-end what is known today as theGreat Lakes Region. This region includes lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario, & Erie as well as surroundingU.S. state territories including Michigan, a significant portion of Wisconsin, small portions of manganese & Indiana, asmall part of Illinois and the Canadian providence of Ontario toward the north. In terms of chronological images, thispaper will analyze the quaternary period, specifically the Holocene epoch from 8000 B.C. to put in the last 10,000years (Quimby 2), since this epoch involved the fundamental evolution of mankind to the present. It is important torealize that the late Pleistocene epoch had a dramatic push on the migration patterns of homo-sapiens reaching theAmericas by 14,000 ago (OBrien 12), after large portions of North America encountered the last ice age, whichthrough glaciation and glacial retreat affected the date of arrival and presence of indigenous people end-to-end theGreat Lakes Region.Shortly following the glacial retreat of the upper Great Lakes region around 11,000 B.C., the botany and faunain the region began to develop prior to and upon the arrival of the Paleo-Indian tribe, circa 7000 B.C. to 4500 B.C.(Quimby 6). Between this time period, in 6000 B.C., the basins of the upper Great Lakes became entirely ice freeand moraines and depressions began forming t... ...indigenous inhabitants mentioned throughout this report. This led meto conclude that Indian life in North America was without doubt, altered if not completely destroyed of its dignity,prosperity and self-worth ever since the arrival of the gabardine man to this very day.WORKS CITEDKubiak, William J. Great Lakes Indians. Grand Rapids Baker Book HouseCompany, 1970.OBrien, Patrick K. Philips Atlas of World History. London George Philip Limited, 1999.Quimby, George I., Spaulding, Albert C. The Old Copper tillage and theKeweenaw Waterway Fieldiana Anthropology 36 no. 8 (1963) 189-201.Quimby, George I. Indian Life in the Upper Great Lakes. Chicago University ofChicago Press, 1960.Ritzenthaler E. Robert, Quimby, George I. The Red Ocher of the Upper Great Lakesand Adjacent Areas. Fieldiana Anthropology 36 no.11 (1963) 243-275.
First Inhabitants of the Great Lakes Region Essay -- North American Ge
The First Inhabitants of the gigantic Lakes Region in North AmericaAs archeological discoveries of bone fragments and fossils continue to support the existence of homo-sapiensin North America prior to the arrival of Indo-European explorers in the 15th century, this paper will attempt toexplain chronologically, which Native American inhabitants lived or migrated passim what is known today as theGreat Lakes Region. This region includes lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario, & Erie as well as surroundingU.S. state territories including Michigan, a significant portion of Wisconsin, small portions of atomic number 25 & Indiana, asmall part of Illinois and the Canadian providence of Ontario toward the north. In terms of chronological periods, thispaper will analyze the quaternary period, specifically the Holocene epoch from 8000 B.C. to indicate the last 10,000years (Quimby 2), since this epoch involved the fundamental evolution of mankind to the present. It is important torealize that the late Pleistocene epoch had a dramatic make believe on the migration patterns of homo-sapiens reaching theAmericas by 14,000 ago (OBrien 12), after large portions of North America encountered the last ice age, whichthrough glaciation and glacial retreat affected the date of arrival and presence of indigenous people end-to-end theGreat Lakes Region.Shortly following the glacial retreat of the upper Great Lakes region around 11,000 B.C., the plant life and faunain the region began to develop prior to and upon the arrival of the Paleo-Indian tribe, circa 7000 B.C. to 4500 B.C.(Quimby 6). Between this time period, in 6000 B.C., the basins of the upper Great Lakes became entirely ice freeand moraines and depressions began forming t... ...indigenous inhabitants mentioned throughout this report. This led meto conclude that Indian life in North America was without doubt, altered if not completely destroyed of its dignity,prosperity and self-worth ever since the arrival of the clear man to this very day.WORKS CITEDKubiak, William J. Great Lakes Indians. Grand Rapids Baker Book HouseCompany, 1970.OBrien, Patrick K. Philips Atlas of World History. London George Philip Limited, 1999.Quimby, George I., Spaulding, Albert C. The Old Copper culture and theKeweenaw Waterway Fieldiana Anthropology 36 no. 8 (1963) 189-201.Quimby, George I. Indian Life in the Upper Great Lakes. Chicago University ofChicago Press, 1960.Ritzenthaler E. Robert, Quimby, George I. The Red Ocher of the Upper Great Lakesand Adjacent Areas. Fieldiana Anthropology 36 no.11 (1963) 243-275.
Monday, May 27, 2019
What is sexting? Essay
In this age of applied science and information, net income and busy technology devices dominate our high society (Burton, L, 2012, p.1), with over 90% of Australians aged 15-17 owning mobile phones (Australian Communications and Media Authority, 2010, 4). Todays teens argon overly overexposed to internal content in umpteen aspects of the media (Burton, L, 2012). This highly sexualised digital culture has transformed the way youth relate to one other (Walker. S., Sanci, L. & Temple-Smith, M, 2011).One phenomenon that has emerged from the increased accessibility of these devices and sexual depiction is the put of sexting (Society Pages, 2013, 1). The term sexting derives from merging the words texting and sex and invokes to the sending of sexually provocative material from modern communications devices (Forde, L. & Hardley, S., 2011). Sexting is currently receiving megabucks media attention (Walker, S., Sanci, L., & Temple-Smith, M., 2011). It is recognised as one of latest youth phenomena in popular culture (Funnell, N, 2012).Although the sharing of sexually explicit material is not a new concept, it has become simpler with the internet (Walker, S., Sanci, L., & Temple-Smith, M., 2011). Shared images become part of a upstart persons digital footprint, which may last forever and have the potential to damage future tense career prospects or relationships (NSW Government, 2008, 3.). The prevalence of sextingA national survey conducted in 2010 by the organisation Understanding Teenagers open that 59% of teenagers have electronically ancestral sexually suggestive material (Understanding Teenagers, 2010, 3). In another survey conducted by the popular teen girl magazine Girlfriend found that 40% of 558 participants had been mixed in sexting (Parliament of Victoria rightfulness Reform perpetration Sexting Inquiry (PVLRCSI), 2012).In Queensland alone, 459 sexting offences were reported in 2011 (PVLRCSI, 2012) and in Western Australia sexting offences h ave tripled in number from 2009 to 2011 (PVLRCSI, 2012). investigate by the Statesn psychologist Andrew Smiler found various causes that attri scarcelye to sexting to demonstrate commitment in a relationship, to impress friends, to harass or bully, or as a dare. According to an article in the Teacher Learning Network journal,In popular culture, sexting is seen as a young persons phenomenon mobile phones, raunch culture, a lack of inhibition, a lack of respect even a lack of morals are seen by many as the ideal storm that has created the sexting phenomenon.(Funnell, N, 2012). Looking at sexting through the lens of Sociological TheoryFeminist TheorySexting is recognised as a grammatical gender related trim because young girls feel pressure from the over-sexualised media to present themselves as sexually desirable. Similarly, young men have been conditioned to expect this doings. Sexting has created a mechanism for young deal to actualize these expectations (Walker. S., Sanci, L. & Temple-Smith, M, 2011). It is understood that young girls are at greater risk of adverse effects than young men by this behaviour (Walker. S., Sanci, L. & Temple-Smith, M, 2011). Experts go as far as to claim the possibility of a link among sexting and gendered sexual violence targeting women (Walker. S., Sanci, L. & Temple-Smith, M, 2011).Womans advocate, writer and speaker Melinda Tankard- Reist discusses in her videodisk Too Sexy Too Soon that our society tells young girls their primary value is being on display sexually. Our society has created a culture where sexualisation of young girl is regarded as normal (Tutorial DVD). Jean Kilbourne and Diane Levin, authors of Sexy So Soon, argue Boys are surrounded by media messages that encourage them to judge their female person peers based on how they look, often to view them with contempt, and to expect sexual subservience from them (Burton, L., 2012). An interesting anecdote on the evolution of the womens liberation movement fro m feminist Anne Manne readsThe relationship between womens liberation and the new sexual freedom was never an uncomplicated one. The two movements have often been in tension. Jostling alongside welcome signs of womens new-found status, and a more relaxed, tolerant, open and liberal society on sexual matters, many of the contours of the new sexual liberalism remain shaped by male mastery (as cited by Burton, L, 2012).Ms Manne (as cited in Butron, L, 2012) goes on to say that along the way weallowed sexual liberation to be dictated to by pornography. This view get alongs to be supported by many females reported in our media today. In the look paper small-scale and Over- exposed Burton (2012) interviewed a young girl who said,Look at most girls role models. Most celebrities are just out there at parties, getting drunk and having sex with everyone. Paris Hilton as much as she is a bad role model to us, she is always in the newspapers and stuff like that so younger generations w ha rdship be influenced by he.There are also the recent antics of child star Miley Cyrus and her almost adult performances at the VMA Music awards in September and her raunchy new film clip for tote up single Wrecking Ball.Symbolic Interaction TheorySymbolic interactionists focus on how communication is central to all human interaction and how these interactions create society (Carl, J & Baker, S, 2011). This theory would view sexting as youth exercising their power to create society. These youth are developing their own standards of what is normal and acceptable behaviour (Carl, J & Baker, S, 2011). offspring consider sexting an adult or media-generated concept (University of New South Wales, 2013, p.1).Youth do not call this activity sexting, but refer to such(prenominal) behaviour as taking noodz, naked selfies, dirty pics or sexy pics (The University of Melbourne, 2012). However, although this creativity and individualism may be acceptable within subgroups, such as the youth su bculture, on a macro train it often conflicts with the norm (The University of Melbourne, 2012). Symbolic Interactionist Chafetz argues that men and woman communicate differently men work to dominate conversation and woman follow arbitrary rules that men impose.She says Women use body language in ways that weaken their ability to assert themselves, this makes them appear less powerful than their male counterparts (Chafetz, 1997 as cited in Carl & Hillman, 2011 p. 86). Men and woman often act in a default manner associated with stereotyped gender roles. For example, woman use body language and gestures, or in this case nude images, whereas men tend to be more direct displaying their masculinityby demanding these pictures from their female counterparts (Carl & Hillman, 2011).Sexting is a good example of the manifestation of how an individuals definition of gender develops from everyday interactions (Chafetz 1997 as cited in Carl & Hillman, 2011). In todays society, we are flooded wi th sexually explicit material and people appear desensitised. Psychologist Andrew Smiler statedA porn aesthetic pervades culture in fashion, music, pastime and behaviour. This is evident in the billboards, music videos and designer stores that shape the desires and imaginations of a younger and younger demographic. It is not just that culture has become more sexualised. It is that the imagery of the pornographic erotic has shaped the sexualisation of culture. (Smiler, A as cited in Burton, L, 2012).Research conducted by Hewlett Packard found that what is communicated visually has more impact than any other form of communication. Their search supports the idea that visual communication can be more powerful than verbal communication, suggesting in many instances that people learn and retain information that is presented to them visually much better than that which is only provided verbally (Hewlett Parkard, 2004, 1).Sexual images are everywhere, often without words, and are creatin g a whole new set of community values. These images are load-bearing(a) our young peoples sexual exploration and thus reinforcing the behaviour of sexting. Australian Institute researcher Flood stated that the regular and frequent exposure to sexual content in mainstream media produces greater sexual knowledge and more liberal sexual attitudes among children and young people.Although the media operate at the macro level their influence permeates through to a micro level, thus influencing the way individuals communicate. Symbolic interaction provides a useful explanation of how the sub-culture of sexting has developed. Effects of SextingSocial and EmotionalYouth are readily involved in this activity but are nave as to its consequences. According to Goodings and Everaardt (2010) as cited in ofthe Parliament of Victoria Law Reform Committee Sexting Inquiry (PVLRCSI)), 2013 the social ramifications can be the most damaging when it comes to sexting. The case of Jessica Logan an 18 year old student in America demonstrates the dangers of sexting. The images she sent to her boyfriend were later distributed to hundreds of people and ultimately ended in her suicide (Forde, L. & Hardley, S., 2011).Although most cases are not as extreme as Jessicas, the mass distribution of these images is common. There are many other detrimental physiological, emotional and social (Goodings and Everaardt (2010) as cited in the Parliament of Victoria Law Reform Committee Sexting Inquiry (2012). Sexting is a dangerous activity and unfortunately the viral spread of these images and the associated shame have reportedly led to social, psychological and legal consequences for victims (Katzman, 2010).Legalowe to the rapidity of technological development, practices such as sexting are not adequately covered by Australian law. This is known as cultural lag(J, Carl, S Baker, Scott, Hillman & Larwrence, 2011). Young people who send and receive sexually explicit images may find themselves in seriou s trouble under various state and area child pornography laws.One specific piece of legislation is Part 10.6 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995, which makes it an offence to access, transmit, publish, possess, control, supply or bewilder child pornography (Forde, L. & Hardley, S., 2011). Furthermore in Queensland, those being convicted of child pornography may also be added to the Sex Offenders Register.Sexting also falls under the family of sexual harassment under S28A of the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Forde, L. & Hardley, S, 2011). These laws are designed to protect children from the abuse of adults and many agree that they are ill suited to the issue of youth sexting each other (Forde, L. & Hardley, S, 2011). Those working with children would need to be aware that if they confiscate a data storage device containing such images, or if such images are stored on a school device, material they can also be charged (Forde, L. & Hardley, S, 2011). My RoleAs a y outh worker I would be involved at a grassroots level in mentoring and supporting of youth involved in this practice. I would also want to be involved in sex education classes. According to experts it is vital to include youths opinions and ideas if effective solutions are to be found (Walker. S., Sanci, L. & Temple-Smith, M, 2011, p.8). As a youth worker I need to facilitate this and make sure that youth are given this interpreter. rescuerian Youth take in PerspectiveAdolescence is a time of life where humans are forming their identity (PBS, 2011, 1). Young people are searching for truth, purpose and belonging. Many youth do not have any authority in their life instructing them on how to build and maintain healthy relationships and therefore are more likely to be involved in risky relationships (Burton, L, 2012)Christian youth workers and chaplains have a great opportunity to be in schools educating youth on issuings such as identity, purpose and healthy relationships. As a Chri stian youth worker I want youth to find their true identity in Christ and that they ultimately belong to him. This truth is the most empowering knowledge any human can have and it answers these questions of identity, truth and purpose. Christian EvaluationFrom a Christian sentiment the act of sexting would be seen as sexually unlawful behaviour and thus frowned upon because it would contain images that would be considered pornographic. There are countless references to such behaviour in the Bible to support this. In 1 Corinthians 618 Paul writes Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are orthogonal the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own you were bought at a price.Therefore honor God with your bodies (NIV). Paul reiterates the sin of sexual immorality in 1 Thessalonians 43-7 It is Gods will that you s hould be sanctified that you should avoid sexual immorality that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is hallowed and honorable The headmaster will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life (NIV). The message version of Ephesians 51-4 provides anexcellent example of how healthy relationships are important and without good understanding of them people fall into the trap of immoral behaviour.Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didnt love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that. Dont allow love to turn into lust, setting off a downhill slide into sexual promiscuity, filthy practices, or bullying greed.Though some tongues just love the taste of gossip, those who follow Jesus have better uses for language than that. Dont talk dirty or silly. That kind of talk doesnt fit our style. Thanksgiving is our dialect. However, it is not the role of Christians to judge the youth involved in this behaviour, but to encourage them to change this behaviour because it is dangerous. The role of Church should be to promote healthy relationships and demonstrate Christs love.RecommendationsA community approach is inevitable if sexting is to be effectively reduced. Parents and the education system need to work together with the youth in order to tackle this issue (Walker. S., Sanci, L. & Temple-Smith, M, 2011). The problem could be communicate through 1. Sex education classes that include advice on (a) the development of healthy relationships, (b) the dangers of sexting and (c) sexual morality and self-image (PVLRCSI, 2012, p.8&9) and (Funnell, N, 2012).2. Providing seminars for guidance offi cers, counsellors and chaplains in schools to assist them in addressing this issue with their students (PVLRCS, 2012). 3. Incorporating the voice of youth into the attempts to address the issue of sexting (Walker. S., Sanci, L. & Temple-Smith, M, 2011). 4. Schools providing education for parents on the issue of sexting. This should include, (a) the various consequences of sexting, (b) the legal ramifications and (c) how they can impose restrictions on technology more effectively (PVLRCS2012, 2012). 5. Providing a government community service announcement on this issue be, e.g. a television advertisement campaign. 6. Updating the law need to address sexting appropriately.7. Conducting further research on the topic.Reference ListAustralian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). (2010) Trends in media use by children and youth Insights from the Kaiser Family Foundations Generation. Retrieved 22 sublime 2013 from, Burton, L. (2012). Underage and overexposed Discussing pornography a nd raunch culture with students. Screen Education, Autumn No. 58, 58-70. Carl, J & Baker, S. (2011). Think Sociology. J.D. Baker, S. Baker, B. Robards, J. Scott, W. Hillman & G. Lawrence (Eds.) (pp.22-23). French Forrest NSW Pearson Australia. Forde, L . & Hardley, V. (2011). Sexting The legal implications. The National Education Magazine, June Edition, 56-59. Funnell, N. (2012).Sexting Male and female its on for young and old. Teachers Learning Network, 19 (2), 37-39. Hewlett Packard (2004). The power of visual communication PDF file. Retrieved 18 September 2013, from http// Katzman, D.K. (2010), Sexting Keeping teens safe and responsible in a technologically savvy world. Paediatric Child Health, 15(1), 41-2.New South Wales (NSW) Government. (2008)Safe sexting No such thing information sheet for parents. Retrieved 23 August 2013 from, http// of Victoria Law Reform Committee on Sexting Inquiry. (2012). Sexting in Australia The legal and social ramifications. Retrieved 22 August 2013, from ttp// PBS. (2011). Identity formation. Retrieved 7 September 2013, from http// Tankard-Reist, M (Tutorial DVD)The Society Pages. (2013). Youth, technology and the problemof sexting PDF file. Retrieved 22 August 2013, from http//
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Are We Too Risk-Conscious These Days? Essay
In these times, this generation has evolved into a congregation of high-skilled individuals. The ability to influence on the best routes of life just at the perfect time has its way to change iodines life into a miracle Henceforth, making the recompense choices is one of the fundamentals to living in this urbanized contemporary.Although some people tend to make deciding mingled with important commitments and hobbies seem easy the comparable number of people deem this as lifetime risks as they sometimes result to serious failure. In my perspective, I would not overlook the fact that choosing between ones most favored interests should be a quick decision but not considering the pros and cons in this matter thoroughly would bring a terrible outcome. The question is, is all of this too dangerous? Or, are we just too risk-conscious nowadays?From the eyes of many, risk-taking should be the necessity to achieve success season not taking any would be the biggest risk in ones life. Takin g risks is the action of sacrificing what one has for success knowing that failure allow for still persist, should it be the wrong choice made at the right time or vice versa. Risks are apparently essential for growth. Without having to grab risks in life, one is basically escaping from the challenges and adventures that one needs to face in order for a better understanding to take place. Without risks, one simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love and live.As ironic as it sounds, the greatest hazard is to risk nothing as I have mentioned before. Not having to risk anything for a change would be tedious and one will continuously regret for not approaching the chance to act on. Life would be sadly monotonous too if there were not any risks taken in ones life. Besides, there is no wrong in facing most of the bad first then all the good without pain, one will gain nothing.On another note, risk actually offers one an opportunity to open up to ones veritable talents, interests, abilities and dreams. Risks help one grow by setting a more realistic goal than an impossible dream they help one discover parvenu things about oneself and the world. Also, risks aids in evading the things that are yet to come, running away from risk is identical to running away from life.Risk is something that will benefit one in the future. One should know that it is alright to fail as it only makes one stronger to confront new obstacles. Risk-taking is something that none can escape in their lifetime. why not just go on all out and do it?
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A prospect and healthy consistency is essential for one to be able to live his or her life to its fullest. One can pay a bun in the oven a quick-thinking mind and a strong and active body only if he or she is healthy. Health affords one the capacity to use and maximize alone of his or her potentials. A fundamental factor in the being healthy is making sure that ones body is getting the right amiable and amount of nutrition. Thus, it is important that one has a well-balanced nutriment. The National Health Service defined a diet as the pabulum which one chow over a particular of time.The recent years saw populates obsession with their weight, losing pounds and curves, and staying thin. As such, the term diet has gotten a new con nonation as the process of reducing and planning a rigid alimentation plan to help one lose weight. The second definition of diet is withal the more popular one because of peoples increased interest in their weights. The combination of recent years health risks and peoples detection of attractiveness confound made the second definition of dieting popular today. Though they hold various reasons for personnel casualty on diets, the decision to diet is ostensibly for weight loss.Why is the idea of weight loss deemed so necessary and attractive at present? First, dieting is widespread because it is a health and life necessity for umteen people. A proper diet is one that is suited specifically for a persons activities and body type. It should also include a balanced intermixture of all the major food groups. The fast-paced lifestyles many people lead today be in possession of prevented them from practicing a healthy diet. Those who feel they do not have the time or extra energy to prepargon the right kind of food for their diet fall prey to greasy fast food and often skip on vegetables and fruits.Another problem is that many of peoples occupations now do not require them to be physically. The combination of the two has res ulted in the join Kingdom reporting a 300 percent increase in the number of overweight or obese people. As such, one reason for dieting and weight loss is to improve ones health. Second, many professional athletes or aspiring ones view dieting as a way to dungeon their bodies in top physical condition. Sports require one to be in his or her best fitness levels. Athletes believe they may play better and speedy and endure longer if they can improve their physical condition through highly-regimented diets.Further, there atomic number 18 also sports and highly physical activities such as running, gymnastic exercise and ballet in which the participants are encouraged, almost required, to be thin and prevent weight gain as much as possible. Third, the media portrays a certain body type and look to be the single most attractive look there is as such many feel compelled to look the same. The media influences people in their formation of the definition of beauty. People are living in th e age of the media, wherein the media has the power to dictate peoples beliefs.As such, whatever the media portrays as attractive or not becomes translated as the people and their cultures real idea of beauty. Though they are not the only ones for whom this reason is true, teens are especially open to this kind of influence by the media since they are in an age wherein they feel conscious about the changes happening to their bodies as well as what others think of them. Teenagers are still in the process of building their sense of identity and therefore have fragile self-esteems.Their body images, or how good they feel about their appearance, are closely tied to their sense of self-worth and self-identity. Therefore when they are constantly bombarded with media images of beauty in the form of waif-thin women and muscled men, teenagers form it in their heads that these are ideal looks that they should have. They learn to key out with the media-prescribed image of beauty. Teenagers p erceive and accept cultural notion of beauty as depicted by the media, and feel resolved to accomplish the same figures and looks by going on special weight-reducing diets.These reasons are voiced out by millions of people scattered all over the globe, thereby making the idea of dieting a very popular one. Diets have also been profitable as seen in the many diet facilities and services present. Further testaments to how widespread the idea of dieting is nowadays are the seemingly endless list of diet fads. Recent dieting fads to take center stage include liquid diet, grapefruit diet, detox diet and different reincarnations of low carbohydrates diet. These diet fads, like fashion trends are always changing because of its extreme food restrictions.These fads are never around for long because not many can force their selves into the kind of deprivation diet it requires of people. Weight loss diets easily become dull, repetitive and too saltationed thus people cannot stay on them for v ery long. The best and most realistic kind of diet is still the balanced diet with a slightly edited small calorie intake for those who seriously and medically need to lose weight. People cannot be prevented from wanting to lose weight and as such weight loss diets are still thriving businesses. Weight loss diets may be restrictive but most are generally safe to follow.The problems most people have who have discontinued dieting are the feelings of deprivation and missing the food they used to eat, and being unable to successfully fit their diets into their lifestyles. Diets only become serious to ones health when they are done excessively, beyond what nutritionists have planned and what peoples bodies can handle. Pushing ones body beyond a certain painful point can turn weight-loss diets into psychological and eating disorders. Two of the most common types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and binge-eating syndrome nervosa.Both are expressions of dissatisfaction with ones b ody size and shape and the extreme lengths of weight loss. Anorexia is persons intentional deprivation of his or her self from food intake due to the fear of becoming fat. Anorexics are also psychologically disturbed believing that they are overweight despite the fact that they are already very skinny. Earlier compliments regarding their weight loss act as anorexics motivation and reinforcements so that they continue their practice of not eating even when they have become unhealthily thin, exceedingly weak, sick, or near death because of hunger.On the other hand, bulimia is an eating disorder wherein one goes on excessive or binge eating then as if to negate the eating, follows it with severe and harmful methods of weight control. After an uncontrolled and massive food intake, bulimics attempt to prevent weight gain by quickly purging the food from their bodies through methods such vomiting, intense fasting and repeated use of laxatives. The repeated abuse causes bulimics to become prone to stomach and gorge ruptures, irregular bowel movement and tooth erosion.Apart from the physical harm, bulimia is also an addiction and psychological disorder. When bulimics binge on food, they feel temporary calm and separated from their depression. barely it is quickly turned over by the feelings of guilt and self-loathing which compels them to purge what used to be the object of their calmness, food. Bulimics self-loathing and unstable personality makes it more probable that they will fulfil more intense forms of self-damaging actions such as suicide. Dieting can lead to dangerous and hazardous health situations when taken to the extreme.Eating disorders stemming from a persons disposition for weight-loss represent an intense lack of self-esteem and an absence of a positive body image. The lack of these personal strengths makes people predisposed to unquestioningly accepting the medias single and prescribed definition of beauty. Dieting is one of the tools people use t o reach this beauty goals but sometime people are unable to limit the steps the take to feel attractive and accepted. Whether due to a need to improve ones health, stay physically fit or fit the cultural notion of beauty, diets must be made wisely and realistically.
Friday, May 24, 2019
What is the Impact of Downsizing
As the studies below indicate, layoffs give birth a number of detrimental takingss non only on workers in different industries, but in any case on their communities and the market as a whole. Although it has been said that furlough open fire be economically beneficial to companies, the following shows that in that location are two sides to this issue. Over the past decade, the workplace has altered considerably in terms of commercial enterprise stability. People induce either experienced layoffs firsthand or directly known someone else who was squeeze by re-engineering, downsizing, outsourcing or acquisition.For employees adversely affected by these changes or for those who do not completely understand why these changes are occurring, the effects can be very disturbing and impact both(prenominal) their personal and billet life. A variety of different industries have been impacted by layoffs, not only manufacturing. For example, hospitals like other companies and nonprofi t organizations have experienced downsizing that has negatively impacted healthcare employees with varying degrees of psychological distress and poor health.In a 2002 study, Greenglass, Burke and Fiksenbaum showed that restructuring and its changes can result in lower trick satisfaction and credit line danger. The researchers studied the relationship between impact of restructuring, telephone circuit satisfaction, job in earnest and absenteeism in nurses. The results were similar to earlier studies indicating that job insecurity can often have harmful consequences for individuals. Job insecurity has frequently been reported to lead to decreased psychological well-being (Dekker & Schaufeli, 1995 Ferrie et al. , 1998).In a study of Finnish employees, Kinnunen et al. 2000) reported that job insecurity, which led to negative relationships with colleagues and superiors, was still being noted at least one year after the event. The respondents of the Greenglass study, who consisted of 1,363 nurses employed in hospitals that were undergoing extensive restructuring, first modify out a self-report anonymous questionnaire. Results of this study demonstrated that the impact of hospital restructuring had a direct effect on job satisfaction, which in turn indeed had a pointedly negative impact on absenteeism and on job insecurity.In addition, the study found that the more(prenominal) the nurses believed hospital restructuring had lowered the quality of health care and had had a negative impact on working conditions, the less likely they were to experience job satisfaction and the more apt to report feelings of job insecurity. Findings further demonstrated that job satisfaction functioned as a intermediary between the impact of restructuring and job insecurity That is, lower job satisfaction resulting from a greater impact of restructuring led to decreased job security. The impact of restructuring also placed an indirect effect on absenteeism through job satisfaction .The lower the job satisfaction, resulting from restructuring, the more likely the nurses were to be miss work. These results were similar to prior studies that linked layoffs with an increased amount of job insecurity. Campbell-Jamieson, Worrall, & Cooper (2001), for instance, compared responses from managers in three different tune settings organizations that restructured and downsized in the previous year, those firms that restructured without downsizing, and companies that had not restructured. Managers in organizations that had downsized had less job security, lower organisational shipment and reduced morale.Research has also demonstrated that reorganization can lead to greater emotional turmoil, including such feelings as anger, anxiety, cynicism and resentment (ONeill & Lenn, 1995). Burke & Nelson (1997) found that this is most likely the result of a variety of negative observations passim the restructuring, such as the belief that workers were treated unfairly, the psycho logical contract was eroded, and future employment would be insecure. The findings by Greenglass additionally showed that the restructuring impacts job insecurity in both direct and indirect ways.In other words, an effect of downsizing is lower satisfaction with ones job. This is most probably the result of disillusionment as well as feelings of being let down by the federation and uncertainty about ones employment in the future. Decreased job satisfaction then leads to lower job security. The researchers do note, however, that these increased feelings of disillusionment and decreased feelings of job satisfaction and job security can be reduced if the organizations administration does its best to offer support, info sharing, and input into decision-making.To the degree that healthcare workers believe they are important to the hospital and that the institution cares about them and their opinions, the effects of restructuring can be considerably decreased. The impact of downsizing o n workers is a combination of both the psychological and physical. Kivimaki et. al (2000) conducted a study to explore the underlying mechanisms between organizational downsizing and deterioration of health of employees. He found negative changes in work are associated with the declining support from aspouse, and increased prevalence of smoking.Sickness absence seizure rate from all causes was 2. 17 measure higher after major downsizing than after minor downsizing. Adjustment for changes in work, for instance, physical demands, job control, and job insecurity, diminished the linkages between downsizing and affection absence by 49 percent. Adjustments for impaired social support or increased smoking did not change the relationship between downsizing and absence from illness. Such conclusions were unaffected by sex and income.Kivimaki concluded that the exploration of potential mediating issues offers new knowledge concerning the manageable causal pathways connecting organizational downsizing and health. Downsizing results in changes in work, social relationships, and health-related behaviors. The noticeable increase in certificated sickness absence was partially explained by simultaneous increases in physical demands and job insecurity and a decline in job control. A reduction of employees leads to a number of negative effects the closing of an entire plant or occupation can even result in greater problems.The recent economic history of Cleveland County, North Carolina, has been distinguished by factory closings, business layoffs, and significant unemployment rates. much than 3,500 workers have lost their jobs in this area in the last four years. This, in fact, may even be an underestimation, since it applies to events that involve 50 or more workers at a time. Many other smaller firms have fired workers as well. Such numbers are extremely significant since the countys labor advertise only numbered around 42,000 workers to begin with.Layoffs have been de vastating to workers and their families. In the very best cases, unemployed workers were able to find other work, but normally there was a temporary loss of income and a reduction in pay. In the worst situations, these workers remained unemployed forever, either because they lacked the necessary skills for available jobs or believed themselves too senescent to move or go back to school. In such situations, economic dislocation also creates problems for the greater community.When unemployment rates rise, there is an increased demand for serve at a time when communities are experiencing sharp declines in tax income. These decreases often result in poorer quality education, a deteriorating infrastructure, and larger welfare rolls, which stag it more difficult to attract new businesses to the area. Thus, it is not always just the employees who are impacted when there is restructuring. A literature review of downsizing studies by Farrell (2000) also showed the connection between downs izing and the impact on market orientation.Specifically, his report gave evidence that (1) trust and commitment are keys to understanding the exchanges between a company and its workers (2) the form of restructuring strategy will impact upon the degree of trust between personnel and senior management (Mishra and Mishra 1994) and will also directly effect the firms market orientation (3) the type of downsizing strategy and trust level will directly impact worker commitment to the firms goals of creating high-quality customer value and (4) employee commitment to such company values will impact the level of market orientation (Narver, Slater and Tietje 1998).Survivors of downsizing are impacted as well, as seen in a number of studies. In a longitudinal study, Moore, Grunberg and Greenberg compared 1,244 white- and blue-collar workers who recalled either zero, one, or two exposures with layoffs all participants were personnel of a major industrial company that had had several large epis odes of layoffs.They found that employees with the greatest number of contacts with downsizing both direct, or personally targeted, and indirect, coworkers laid off, noted considerably lower levels of job security and higher levels of role ambiguity, desire to leave their jobs, depression and health concerns. Contrary to what some others had thought, their findings did not support the notion that workers more quickly recover as they encounter a larger number of downsizing episodes.They also found only partial evidence that the similarity-that is, either ingeminate direct or repeated indirect layoff contactor dissimilarity-that is, a combination of direct and indirect contactsof the form of repeated downsizing exposure played a role in the amount to which personnel noted changes in outcome variables. Similarly, Masi (2000) looked at several pervasive ideas First, that negative effects on the employees morale who have survived downsizing may be so harmful to overall productivity that they overshadow any immediate economic gains the workforce reductions may bring.Second, those managers who are capable of eliciting trust and organizational commitment among employees as well as generally good labor relations may largely reduce or even eliminate the possible ill-effects of downsizing. Third, is it true as a number of political economists who are critical of the free-market model in the U. S. have argued that a crucial factor in fortune reduce the fears and anxieties caused by industrial layoffs is the degree of employment and/or income security available to employees outside their current place of work?Fourth, recent research concerning the nominal head of unions suggests that the overall character of the industrial relations establishment will strengthen or weaken the negative effects of downsizing. In his article, Masi reported findings from a Swedish-Canadian similitude of blue-collar manufacturing workers who had been exposed to various kinds of change, incl uding downsizing. The results provided strong support for the belief that experience with layoffs has a strong negative impact on survivor concerns everywhere.Simultaneously, there is also some evidence supporting that the amount of externally provided security has some mitigating effect on survivor worries, and the presence of unions within a strongly adversarial system of labor relations can increase such concerns. However, the quality of labor-management does not seem to have much of a helpful effect on the negative impact of downsizing. In the future, as downsizing continues, additional studies will have to be conducted to determine long-range impacts on individuals, their families, communities and the economy as a whole.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Calpurnia Character Analysis
Calpurnia enters into the story very early on in To Kill a Mockingbird, and is an integral part in the story. She works for the Finch family as their cook and mother figure. We get a very clear picture of Calpurnia in Chapter One. She was all angles and bones. This suggests the maybe she doesnt have much money to taint food or that she is older. It also shows that she is older because She had been with us ever since Jem was born, and I had felt her tyrannical presence for as long as I could remember. She doesnt take any nonsense from the fact that Our battles were epic and one-sided. That Calpurnia had been with the Finches since Jems birth suggests that she is part of the family. Atticus trusts her to take care of the children when he is gone.But there came a day when Atticus told us hed wear us out if we made any noise in the yard and commissioned Calpurnia to dish out in his absence if she heard a sound out of us. He trusts her to discipline the children Her hand was as wide as bed slat and twice as hard. When Scout questions Walters eating habits at the delay in Chapter Three, Calpurnia is the one to discipline her. She says That boys yo compny and if he wants to eat up the table cloth you let him, you hear? Atticus trusts her to take care of the children properly. Calpurnia is like a surrogate mother to the children. For example, when Scout refuses to gargle after chewing the Double-Mint gum, Jem threatens her with you arrogatet n Ill tell Calpurnia on you As gruff as may come off, she really does love the children.When Scout starts going to school, Calpurnia softens up. I missed you today. She sets the boundaries for the children. Our summertime boundaries (within calling distance of Calpurnia) were Mrs. Henry Lafayette Duboses house and the Radley place three doors to the south. Calpurnia really treats the children as if they were her own. Calpurnia is more educated than most black people in Maycomb. She taught Scout to write. She would set me a writing task by scrawling the alphabet firmly across the top a tablet, then write out a chapter of Bible beneath. If Scout copied it up to her standards, she was rewarded. That she did this shows she knew more than most black people would know in Maycomb and it is yet another example of her mothering Scout. Calpurnia speaks as well as any other white person in Maycomb, except when she is mad. As shown when she disciplines Scout for the dinner incident with Walter. She was furious, and when she was furious Calpurnias grammar became erratic. When in tranquility, her grammar was as good as anybodys in Maycomb.Atticus said Calpurnia had more education than colored folks Calpurnia tries to show Scout and Jem that there is no difference between white and African-American people. For Calpurnia rarely commented on the ways of white people. Calpurnia speaks like any other person in Maycomb to show the children she is allude to the white people in town. She has manners that are as goo d as anyone else in town. When Scout questions Walters eating habits, Calpurnia shows good manners in telling Scout to allow Walter carry on and be polite.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Analysis on Blackfish Essay
Introduction sea World is a place for people to get a splash of happiness and delight watching whales do intricate tricks notwithstanding is the fact that the slayers argon held in captivity and unhappy worth that splash of amusment. The case of Blackfish deals with the captivity of sea wolf Whales in sea World and the bill being put up in California to ban the captivity and breeding of Orcas called the California Captive Orca Welfare and Safety Act (Sanchez, 2014). A documentary produced by Magnolia Films ab come out the Blackfish case and the danger of Orcas being in captivity lead to a menacing effect on the plan of Sea World. Description In 2010, a trainer who worked for Sea World, Dawn Brancheau was killed by one of the show whales in Sea World Tilikum which set off this controversy and the realization that Orcas should not be kept in captivity (Zurko, 2014). In the documentary Blackfish that was released in July of 2013, it expresses that when Orcas are held in detention and bred within such confinement they grow unhappy and aggressive. Orcas are used to living in open waters and thats where they are happiest, being so detained acts them unhappy to the point where they get aggressive towards those trainers who they k today have a part in keeping them imprisoned.They lash out towards the trainers, not because they are dangerous creatures, because they are desperate for a normal healthy life back in the open waters. Because Tili attacked Brancheau, it lead to the beliefs that the title of grampus whales was a literal title, when in reality their anger is due to the face they are in captive in the park. Animals are adapted to the environment they were intended, Orcas are used to living free in open waters being able to communicate with other animals in the ocean (Sanchez, 2014). The captivity of the orcas has shortened their sprightliness because they are unable to live the commission that they should. Interpretation The image of Sea World has been totally turned around since the Blackfish case has escalated into the media forming a rising image for the company. Identity is when a companys reality is exposed through evidence, such as the services they provide, from the company, whereas image is a tangent of identity operator where it is the reflection of the organizations identity.Inrelation to Blackfish the way the trainers and the company of Sea World treat the orcas has been exposed to the public altering the image of the company. Sea World used to be viewed as a place for families to go and enjoy watching trained Orcas do awesome tricks and entertain their audiences, where now it is seen as a place where animals are mistreated and held captive. Evaluation This captivity is a huge controversy building up to protests against Sea World and leading to the bill put up by California to ban the act of keeping Orcas that were caught from the wild and keep them in captivity. Though there are Sea Worlds in Texas and Florida, the bill will immediately affect the California Sea World (Rohenkohl, 2014). If the bill were to pass, California would have to find a new way to entertain their guests or breed orcas that are not wildly caught (Martinez, 2014).The documentary, Blackfish caused much controversy and threatened the image of the Sea World Company. Conclusion It would make a person wonder, if Brancheau was not attacked, would the true identity of Sea World been exposed? The image of Sea World being a happy consort has been reformed due to the fact that Orcas being detained was proven to be a problem and a danger to not only to the trainers, but to the Orcas themselves. Orcas deserve to live in the open waters, free, and live the life span they are intended and not be confined within the tiny pools of Sea World. California may be the first to make a difference in Orcas lives, now the rest of the world can be a part of the change.Annotation of Information SourcesMartinez, Michael. (2014, March 8). Seaworld Blackfish backlash Richard Bloom calls for banning orca shows. Retrieved from http//
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Statistical Process Control
Standard Operating Procedure for inline Q. A, using Statistical Process Control charts OBJECTIVE To remove or minimize, cost of hapless quality. SCOPE This procedure is applicable for all kind of critical points for which variable charts ar being made to know about the butt stability. RESPONSIBILITY 1) Q. A. coach-and-four Q. A. Manager is responsible for allotting the critical points in a particular product to in line Q. A. s. 2) A. Q. M. A. Q. M. is responsible for carrying out the SPC effectively in their given lines.He is too responsible to assist the in line QAs in case of any difficulty. 3) In Line Q. A. s In line Q. A. s are responsible to fill the variable chart correctly and take appropriate actions required after depicting the charts. PROCEDURE ? One Variable chart is to be prepared against each critical point. ? Take 5 samples at random produced in a particular hour and experience measuring critical points on each sample. ? Write down the measurement difference as pe r the size-measurement specification given on variable chart in the period of that hour. After the pentad pieces are inspected, find out the median and range of these five readings by the interest method. o Arrange the data in ascending order and write down the third no. in the median array for that particular hour. o To calculate range note down the difference between the upper limit reading and minimum reading of that particular hour. Write it down in the range array. ? Calculate Upper Control delimit and Lower Control Limit by using the following formula o Calculate X Bar for previous days 8 hours reading by following formulaX1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7+X8 X = 8 Where X1 .. X8 are the median readings for previous day 8 hour. o Calculate R for previous days 8 hours reading by following formula R1+R2+R3+R4+R5+R6+R7+R8 R= 8 Where R1 .. R8 are the range readings for previous day 8 hour. o UCL and LCL for median chart will be calculated by the given formula __ UCL = X+0. 691* R LCL = X-0. 691 * R o UCL and LCL for Range chart will be calculated by the given formula UCL = 2. 14 * R LCL = 0 * R ? Now once limits of median chart as well as range chart are calculated start marking the points of median and range on the median and range graph respectively that to corresponding to that particular hour. ? If any point is found to lie outdoors the control limits, immediate action should be taken to bring the process in control. ? One point should be kept in mind that process should lie somewhere near central line. It means your process is stable and predictable.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Raft2 Sentinel Event
Sentinel Event Child Abduction Description of Event A three-year-old uncomplaining presented to the infirmary for out long-suffering surgery of bilateral myringotomies with stupefy. After the long-suffering was registered, consent for surgery signed by mother, and prepped for surgery, the mother gave the pre-op entertain her ph unitary build and left to run an errand with instructions to be c whollyed if her daughter was finished with surgery kind of than expected. The mother was expecting the long-suffering would be ready to go home in most 2 hours.The pre-op harbour stated that she wrote sight the mothers phone number in her own nonepad to c solely her. The tolerant of absolute surgery and was deemn to reco actually. At this time the recovery nourish paged out to the waiting room for the mother as p arents are encouraged to go back to the recovery area as the clawren come out of anesthesia. With no answer from the page and the uncomplaining awake and st up to(p), the long-suffering was then given to the set up op blow for tucker. The get off op oblige stated that the recovery lactate had tried to page the mother, unless make no remark of trying herself.The uncomplaining of was becoming upset beca using up she had non yet seen her mother. The gage force called informing the give suck that the patients begetter had arrived and the patient happily met the father, so the discharge nurse waited another thirty minutes before releasing the patient to the father as there was no sign of the mother. When the mother of the patient arrived thirty minutes after the patient had been discharged harbour a bun in the ovening for the patient, protection remains was called, an internal code pink was initiated and law enforcement notified.Security stated that the mother informed them she had full storage area of the patient and that the rise ups were divorced. The patient was found within thirty minutes in the care of the patients father at home. No charges were filed against the father. Roles of Personnel Registrar A hospital recording machine performs scheduling, registration, verification and reception for all outpatient surgical patients (Northeast Health, 2012). A hospital registrar is very crucial to hospitals, as they are the people who experience indemnity and billing information so that the hospital kitty get paid for the services it provides.The registrar at nightingale Hospital stated that she entered the patients demographics and insurance information, obtained consent to treat the patient, and copied the patients insurance card. She did divulge that, as it is not standard butt against, she did not ask for all other form of naming from the patients mother or ask about custody. At most hospitals that deal with paediatric patients, a standard part of the registration process is to savor the parents present denomination and a social security card of the patient. This is one way to help order the parents as the parents of the patient.While custody information does not befuddle to be given, as part of the consent for treatment there is a clause stating that the parents who bring the child in are the tho people to whom the child allow foring be released upon discharge. Usually an identifier is coifd on the parents by registration, such as a matching wristband that has the patient information and says parent, which helps ply know who to release the patient too. As there is no such process in place at Nightingale Hospital to verify parent identification, the registrar completed her line and moved on to the next patient.Pre-Op Nurse The pre-op nurse is creditworthy for getting the patient ready for surgery. From evaluate patients status, to re push back ining the chart, identifying the patient, verifying the surgical site and marks site per institutional polity, instituteing IV line, advantageously-favoured medications, and providing emotional support (Nu rselabs, 2012). The pre-op nurse stated in her interview that she was very busy the day of the patients surgery and did her usual assessments and patient preparation, however she did confuse to run around to track down a gown.The nurse overly stated that she wrote the mothers phone number down on a notepad that she carries with her at all times. The mother requested to be called when the surgery was complete. The nurse made no mention of passing the phone number off to any of the other nurses or making a note on the chart for the other nurses to see regarding the mothers wish to be called and the number she could be reached at. The nurse excessively stated that she did not ask for custody information and felt that the doctors authorisation should be responsible to get and give that information to the hospital.Overall the nurse did her basic work to prepare the patient for surgery. OR Nurse The next nurse to receive the patient and have contact with her was the OR nurse. This nu rse maintains aseptic technique, controls the environment of the OR suite, transfers patient to operating room bed or t adequate to(p) and positions the patient function alignment, exposure of surgical site, applies grounding device to patient, ensures that the sponge, takele, and instrument counts are sic and completes intraoperative documentation (Nurselabs, 2012). The OR nurse expressed concern in her interview that there was a possibility of this type of sequent chokeing in other areas or departments in the facility as the OR is not the only area that separates children and parents to do procedures or tests. Overall the nurse did not identify much of her role and interactions with the patient or other stave in her interview. It is therefore assumed she did her role as described above but nothing further. Recovery Nurse After the OR the patient was then sent to the recovery nurse.His role is to determine the patients immediate response to surgical intervention, monitor patie nts physiologic status, assess and reassess patients pain level and administers appropriate pain fireman measures, maintains patients safe (airway, circulation, hinderion of injury), and assess readiness to be discharged or admitted (Nurselabs, 2012). The recovery nurse stated that he received parvenuspaper publisher from the OR nurse and took care of the patient as described above. As the patient woke up he paged to the waiting area to have the mom brought back.She did not answer and as the patient was stable and awake he took her to the post op nurse. There was no mention of the recovery nurse calling the mother as she had expressed to the pre-op nurse. The recovery nurse did not issue to know of these wishes, have her phone number, or be aware that the mother was not going to be in waiting room. The lack of communication from one rung member to another becomes apparent at this point in the patients care. The recovery nurse did not have any ideas on how to improve the syst em, but did express concern over lengthy and positive hand off report among nurses.The recovery nurse did not think outside of the normal standard when it came to trying to contact the patients mother, however he did his hypothesise according to hospital standards. Post-Op Nurse The last phase of the patients care was to be transferred to the Post-Op nurse for take placed monitor of patients physical and psychological response to surgical intervention, provides teaching to patient and family for discharge (Nurselabs, 2012). The nurse stated that she was informed that the recovery nurse could not reach the mother via page.There is no mention of her trying to obtain a phone number to reach the mother. The nurse expressed that the patient was very distraught over not having her mother there. When security notified her that a person who stated he was the father was there, the nurse agreed to let him in and the patient was very happy to see him. The nurse stated in her interview that she waited for the mother, but when she did not bespeak agreed to discharge the patient to the fathers care. The nurse did not check any identification from the father that acknowledged he was in fact the patients father.While the nurse did not have a specific hospital indemnity to follow regarding discharge of a patient, there was no free effort on the part of the nurse to contact the mother per her report. Had there been notification on the patient chart regarding custody or a phone number the nurse could have easily corroborate information and not let the patient leave or gotten the mothers approval for discharge. The nurse adequately took care of the patient during her time in the nurses care, however her choice to discharge the patient home without the mother was a lapse in judgment causing an error that could have potentially harmed the patient.Security A security police officer at a hospital has many responsibilities and depending on the demand of the hospital those du ties may vary. Overall the officer is supposed to write periodic reports regarding the activities and disturbances (if any) that occur during his serving period, checks lights, terror system, windows, doors, and gates, gives access to family members to see their patients, responds to any fire alarms, violent patients, and assists with helicopter landings (Sandhyarani, Ningthoujam, 2011). The security officer at Nightingale Hospital was responsible for bringing the father of the patient to the post-op care area to meet the patient, as well(p) as responding to the code pink and notifying law enforcement of the abduction. The officer expressed concern over the delay in time of reporting the abduction when in fact, the nurse was unaware that the mother did not know the child had been discharged. The officer had an idea for using the same alarm coded bands used in the OB department with any pediatric patient and placing sensors around the hospital.It is great that he is thinking of i nnovative ways to help improve the system from a security standpoint. The officer responded to the situation quickly and efficiently using the information and resources he had operational at the time. In the end the child was found and he therefore performed his duty quickly and efficiently. surgeon The surgeons responsibilities accept ensuring that the patient is a good send worddidate for surgery, preparing the parents and patients for surgery, performing the surgery, overseeing the patients care post surgery. The urgeon who worked on the patient at Nightingale Hospital stated that he is the 1 ENT physician at the hospital. That implies he is very good at what he does. He stated that his office had records that state the mother is the primary custody holder of the patient and that the hospital did not get those records. While the hospital could have obtained the records, simply adding the question to the registration process would rectify the situation. The surgeon is very ang ry that this incident occurred and he does have a right as this is his patient and if these things continue to happen he get out not have patients.The surgeon role is the overseer of the patients care before, during and after surgery. The surgeon completed the surgery and care of the patient as part of his job. Chief Nursing Officer This person is responsible for just about anything that happens in the hospital from a nursing standpoint. This means that anything that is going right or wrong they deal with. The officer usually sits on many diametrical deputations to help with improving and maintaining mental faculty education, competence, patient safety, and hospital heed.The officer was not involved in the sentinel eccentric, however it exit be her responsibility to form committee, to complete the documentation, and to check a way to ensure the event does not happen again. Barriers There are many different barricades that can impede effective interactions among people. Thes e include physical, emotional, communication, language and ethnic barriers (Ivanov, Tatyana, n. d). Physical barriers include demand of the nurses jobs including being short provideed, time constraints, engine room, and unable to do face to face hand off reports. Emotional barriers include stereotyping, fear, anger, frustration, and mistrust.Communication barriers can encompass all the types of barriers. This barrier inhibits peoples ability to speak so that others understand, not all the information is given, and an inability to full listen to what is said. Language and Cultural barriers include not being able to understand someone repayable to an accent, different meanings of words when translated from one language to another, and not understanding or respecting cultural views or practices. In this situation all of the staff experienced some form of barrier during the course of the patients visit. The biggest barriers appear to be communication and emotional barriers.A lack of proper hand-off report from one staff member to the next and nurses who appeared to feel overwhelmed and unsure of themselves or what to do next contributed to the patient being discharged to the wrong parent. Ways to return the presence of barriers and improve the staff interactions include a convertible hand off report, decreasing use of jargon or slang, giving punctual feedback, decreasing physical barriers and talking in person, and nurture about other cultures (Neusom, Ruby, n. d. ). Knowledge is power and the more the staff knows the let on equipped they pull up stakes be to identify and handle barriers as they arise.Getting a team of nurses together from nonuple departments to help develop a standardized hand off report for staff volition ensure that measurable information is passed on and not missed. In this report, staff mustiness relay vital information for that patient as well as give report in person so that technology and language are not barriers. This allo w for allow the staff to work together to improve their areas and it allows them to take ownership of the project, meaning they will be more likely to utilize the hand off process in the future.Another way to improve interactions is to include barriers as a topic of education in the one-year bump forethought education that staff completes each year. By helping staff to see and identify potential barriers they can hopefully prevent them from impeding patient care in the future. Quality betterment Method The quality improvement is a concept that not only hospitals but companies all over the world have been using for a very long time. Quality improvement is the process of looking forward and backward at company, process, policy, and/or safety. It is simply the process of making things better or improving them.It can be done to correct something that went wrong or used to prevent something bad from happening in the future. The rule the Nightingale hospital ineluctably to utilize i s the FADE method. Focus, dissect, develop, and execute/evaluate (Wiseman, Beau and Kaprielian, Victoria S, 2005). While there are many different models available in the business world today, they all have the common issue of synopsis, implementation and followuping. Different businesses tend to have different needs and therefore no model is better than another. The FADE model is useful to the hospitals root cause analysis as it gives focusing and direction.The reason this model was chosen was because of the ease of use, the detailed direction and instruction, and the completeness of the model. This model allows the staff or committees to look at all angles of the situation and work to improve it. It is a complex model not a basic simple one, which gives better instruction. The first ill-treat of FADE is to focus. This means the hospital needs to identify a job within the hospital and write a problem statement to help narrow down what is being looked at. The current issue is how to prevent child abductions within the hospital.While the OR is where the current event happened, it can easily become an issue for other areas of the hospital who care for children. The next step is to analyze the data and determine influential factors. This means the hospital will need to compile lists of what information is important to this case and what information is not. Collect any data about patterns and things that influence the outcomes or contribute to the problem or solution. This is the time for the hospital to evaluate what went wrong that lead to the child being discharged to a person that potentially could have not been the childs relative.The more data that is pull together and examine the better understanding and better outcome the hospital can hope for in fixing the problem. The third base step is to develop a picture of action. After makeing and reviewing all the information provided regarding the issue at hand. The hospital must develop a plan that he lps to solve the problem. This is the time when getting people from multiple departments and areas of the hospital will be important as each area will have a different view point that may help develop a plan that works for the bulk of the people.During this stage not only does a plan need to be made but also supply to implement the plan. New policies and procedures cannot be implemented over night and expect all staff to agree and utilize it. All staff must complete proper educate regarding the advanced plan before it can be put into use. For the hospital a plan needs to be positive that includes the input of security, OR staff, ER staff, OB staff, radiology, and administration. As multiple areas of the hospital will be abnormal by the new plan for pediatric patients, all those running(a) with them should be included in the planning process.Once a plan is developed to prevent child abduction from happening again, education of all staff will be required. The last step in the qu ality improvement method is execute and evaluation. After staff has been trained it is time to put the plan into action. This is the time when committees will need to be organized to continue to evaluate and monitor the progress of the plan, keep records of the impact the plan has, and most important execute the plan. As time passes the committees will need to continue to evaluate the plan for success.If it is successful then continued monitoring is all that is needed. If the plan is not successful then the quality improvement methods starts again. It is during this phase that the hospital will need to ensure that every aspect of the plan is in place in a timely manner so that it can be properly evaluated. In this stage maintenance of the equipment and technologies will need to be completed as well as any minor adjustments to the plan that need to be made to better serve the entire staff and ensure the safety of the pediatric patients.Overall quality improvement is vital to patient safety and necessary for the continued advancement and improvement of patient care. By utilizing this method the hospital will be able to complete a thorough root cause analysis that focuses, analyzes, develops, executes and evaluates the success and failure of the hospital. The mark relegating requires that all sentinel events be reported and that the hospital develop a reason and solution to the problem. This method allows the hospital to follow Joint Commission Standards ensuring they keep their Joint Commission Accreditation.Corrective Action Plan The development of seek management officers and committees started when lawsuits and insurance premiums began to rise. The goal of these people was to establish guidelines in which to help reduce and prevent errors, increase safety, and decrease financial loss. While the committees work daily to accomplish these things by utilizing a process of identifying, analyzing, treating and controlling, and evaluating (Chubb Healthcare, n. d. ), it is important to note that all staff must take an active role in jeopardize management to ensure the hospital maintains its high standards of care.It is the responsibility of all staff to identify areas of concern and report to the take a chance management committee so that changes can be made. Annual education of all staff is required on this subject to ensure that everyone is doing all they can to decrease risk. A thorough risk management computer programme includes policies and procedures on the running of a risk management committee as well as maintenance and changes to the companys policies and procedures to ensure accordance and proper utilization. It also has formal incident reporting, tracking and trends, and staff education.These are the basics of a very complex program that helps to decrease risk in the hospital setting. The areas that need to be changed and addressed in regards to the Nightingale Hospital is the area of policies and procedures that are related to patient safety. In ensuring patient safety the hospital can decrease the occurrence of lawsuits, decrease insurance costs, and increase staff awareness. While the risk management committee will be doing much of the initial review of the incident and changes to the policies, other committees and staff must be included in the change process.These resources include quality self-confidence, administration, safety and security, legal, and nurses, physicians, and other ancillary staff. The risk management committee should be reviewing the hospitals policies and procedures on a routine basis, at least annually, to look for areas of improvement, conformism with Joint Commission standards, and changes in healthcare advancements that therefore make the policies outdated. This area of the risk management program is clearly not being followed if there is no policy or procedure in place to prevent child abductions from happening in areas outside of the OB department.The risk management com mittee needs to address this lapse in protocol by taking five simple steps. First a review of the incident that happened, second gathering resources to help gain insight into the different areas of the hospital, third ontogenesis a new hospital policy, fourth implementing the policy and educating staff, and lastly reviewing the policy on a annual basis to ensure compliance and monitor the need for improvement (Chubb Healthcare, n. d. ). In doing these steps the risk management committee can decrease the potential for child abductions in the hospital.First the committee must review the formal incident report, looking at the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the situation. Review any prior claims, patient complaints, staff complaints, and quality assurance reports (Chubb Healthcare, n. d. ). These allow the risk team to identify the problem and start to pinpoint the areas that need changing. The risk committee will need to work closely with the quality assurance committee, who l ikely have already collect much of this information.They also will be a resource with regards to the requirements of the Joint Commission standards and be able to help identify any missteps that are resulting in non-compliance. This step needs to be completed in a timely manner, the longer it takes to get the information the longer it will take to get a new policy in place. The risk committee should set a deadline of no more than one month to complete this step. It is more likely that the committee could complete this step in two workweeks but as many members may be working on other projects at the time, the committee will be allowed one month to complete this step.Next the risk management committee must meet with the different resources available to discuss the changes that need to be made to patient ensure safety. During this time the committee will hear from the legal department, safety and security department, staff from all areas of the hospital, and administrative staff. The point of this step is to gather as many ideas for change and improvement as possible from as many different aspects. As child abduction prevention is not just securitys responsibility it will be important to understand what all staff can do (CNA, 2006).The legal department will be able to give feedback on what the hospital can and cannot do to ensure that the hospital does not develop a potential lawsuit from the new policy or lack of any previous policies. The safety and security department will be a huge resource for the risk committee as their job is to ensure that everyone stays safe. The new policy will greatly impact the security department as they will be required to potentially perform code pink drills, research and obtain new monitoring and sensor equipment or even increase staff levels to accommodate the increased security measures.Ensuring that the safety and security department is working closely with the risk committee will be key to ensuring a policy that is beneficia l to everyone. The administrative staff involvement will be important as they will be looking at the information from a corporate standpoint. Their input on the policy will be centered on what is best for the hospital and how it ties into the values and standards of the corporation as a whole. They also will know budgets available for changes that need to be made to staff or security systems.The administrative resource is important because they look at the whole picture. The last resource that the risk committee will be utilizing is the staff, both clinical and non-clinical staff. This includes input from physicians, nurses, maintenance, environmental, technical support, and volunteers. These are the front line defenders when an abduction happens. These are the staff members that are present when it happens. Their input is key to being able to ensure that a new policy will help prevent any future abduction.As these staff live the day-to-day responsibilities of caring for patients, t heir suggestions and points of view are important. Also by having staff involved in the planning process they will be more likely to adopt the new policy and follow it, because it will make sense to them and fit into their needs for the hospital. By utilizing all these different resources a proper policy can then be developed. This step should only take two weeks to complete. Taking longer may cause delay in development of the policy that is needed.The thirds step is to develop the new hospital policy utilizing all the information gathered from the sentinel event, quality assurance committee, and the hospital resources. The new policy must meet Joint Commission requirements for standards of care and safety of patients, as well as the hospitals needs (Chubb Healthcare, n. d. ). During this time, research for any new technology or materials to implement the new policy must be completed and quotes for determine submitted to administration for approval. When the risk committee writes t he new policy it must be written in a way that everyone can understand.This step should take no more than one month to complete. The committee should spend a week reviewing all the notes and information gathered from the first two steps, then one week gathering the pricing information needed to implement the plan and then two weeks to have a completed policy. Everyone on the committee and in administration must be aware of these deadlines so that the policy can be implemented in a timely manner and all approvals completed in the appropriate deadlines. Next, the risk committee must ensure the staff is educated on the new policy and implement the policy.Live classes and computer-based learning will be important to educate all staff in the hospital on the new policy, technologies, and equipment (CNA, 2006). It is during this time that any new technology, forms, or other materials must be installed, printed, and dispersed so that when training is completed it will be ready for staff to use. This includes but is not limited to new forms for registration, new matching armbands for the children and parents, sensors around the hospital that connect with the sensors in the armbands of the children, increased security staffing, etc.This step may take up to two months to complete depending on the ability of the committees to get the materials needed for training as well as materials installed and dispersed. Lastly the risk committee must continue to monitor the policy and compliance for any issues that may arise and make changes accordingly. It is recommended that with any new policy the risk committee monitor progress, compliance, and whether it is working or not by compiling risk reports on code pinks or other child safety reports as indicated in the policy monthly for the first year.As the hospital becomes more comfortable with the policy and it is changed to fit the needs of the hospital, and the policy has not been changed for six months the policy can go into the y early review area. The quality assurance committee can then continue to monitor the policy for compliance, impact, and maintenance. This last step can take up to a year, if not longer to complete depending on the needs of the hospital. shutdown In the end a child being abducted whether by a parent who does not have custody or by a stranger is an emotionally trying experience for any parent as well as the child.All measures must be taken to ensure that the sentinel event does not occur again. By working with the quality assurance committee to utilize FADE (focus, analyze, develop, execute/evaluate), the risk management committee to create a new hospital policy, and the entire hospital staff, this will hopefully never happen again. While there are always legal and financial issues involved when something happens to a patient to compromise their safety, care, or well being, it is important that the hospital learns from these mistakes and takes action to correct them for the future.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Riba & Its Types
Riba The word Riba means excess, increase or addition, which correctly interpreted according to sharia law terminology, implies any excess compensation without due consideration (consideration does non include time value of bullion). Types of Riba 1. Riba AnNisiah This is the stipulated evoke which the lender takes from the borrower in consideration of the time given to the borrower to pay back the capital. It is HARAM based on the script and the Sunnah and the consensus of Muslim scholars. . Riba Al Fadl This applies to barter (exchanging hotshot commodity for another), where commodities of the same type are transfer in unequal fares, especially the exchange of precious metals and pabulumstuffs, it is HARAM, by the Sunnah and the concensus of scholars as it paves the way for Riba nNasiah. many ahadith have demonstrated the prohibition with regard to cash, silver, wheat, barley, dates, and salt.The Prophet sallaAllahu alayhi wa sellem said, Gold for gold, and silver for si lver, and wheat for wheat, and barley for barley, and dates for dates, and salt for salt, like for like, equal for equal, from hand to hand (the transaction must be completed in the beginning the two sides leave each other). But if the types are different then sell as you wish, as long as it is hand to hand. (Muslim) The Prophet sallaAllahu alayhi wa sellem also said, Whoever gives more or asks for more (than what he gave) commits an act of Riba, the given and the taken are kindred (in the sin). (Muslim) The Prophet sallaAllahu alayhi wa sellem said, Prohibited selling food (of the same variety) except equivalent in weight and hand to hand. (Muslim) Do not sell gold for gold unless equivalent in weight (and from hand to hand), and do not sell less mensuration for greater amount or vice versa, and do not sell silver for silver unless equivalent in weight (and from hand to hand), and do not sell less amount for greater amount or vice versa and do not sell gold or silver that is no t hold at the moment of exchange for gold or silver that is present. (agreed upon)To lend a bank money or borrow from it on the condition of a payment of a fixed annual or monthly percentage rate of interest, say 2%, or more or less, is a wee-wee of PROHIBITED RIBA. whereas Allah has permitted trading and forbidden Riba (usury) 2275 Poverty isnt an excuse for Riba. Mudaraba which is a form of partnership where one person invests money and the other invests his skill and effort, and they share the profit or loss of the enterprise, so Islam did not impose any hardship on the people (by prohibiting Riba) but rather it provided them with a viable alternate to it, among them are the following . Qard Hasan (a beautiful loan) Istead of a Muslim loaning his money on interest which causes contamination and blight on all his property and oppresses the borrower, Islam encourages him to make the loan Qard Hasan, and promised him a gracious reward for it Allah said, Who is he that will le nd to Allah a goodly loan so that Her may multiply it to him many measure? 2245 2. Giving an extension to a person who cannot repay the loan on time because of monetary difficulty, until he gets back on his feet.And Islam encourages the lender to forgive the loan altogether in this circumstance Allah said, And if the debitor is in a hard time (has no money), then grant him time till it is swooning for him to repay, but if you remit it by way of charity, that is better for you if you did but know. 2280 3. Mutual Aid by all means This encompasses uncouth aid on a social level, in industry and in agriculture, and social security by financing farmers and industrialists and craftsmen in order to enable them to produce effectively.This returns a usefulness to the whole Ummah. Also, opening schools and buidling hospitals and homes for the elderly and the incapacitated and all other items alike fall under the mutual aid mentioned in the verse help you one another in Al Birr and atT aqwa (virtue, duty and piety) 52 The society which realizes these means will proceed, in the shade of this comprehensive mutual aid, jubilantly and far removed from the distress of Riba. . We should not forget the payment of Zakat to those who deserve it. This will have a major impact on getting rid of Riba. BEWARE from putting your money in a *nonIslamic bank*. Even if you dont take interest on it, the bank takes your money and loans it out to gain interest. So you are helping the Riba system, and are indirectly responsible and beware from taking loans from those banks.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Disadvantages of Fdi Essay
Disadvantages of Foreign Direct Investment The disadvantages of external direct investment funds conk mostly in case of matters related to operation, distribution of the profits made on the investment and the personnel. unrivalled of the most indirect disadvantages of foreign direct investment is that the economically backward section of the host soil is always inconvenienced when the stream of foreign direct investment is negatively affected. The situations in countries like Ireland, Singapore, Chile and china corroborate such an opinion.It is normally the responsibility of the host artless to limit the extent of impact that may be made by the foreign direct investment. They should be fashioning sure that the entities that are making the foreign direct investment in their countrified adhere to the environmental, governance and social regulations that have been set down in the country. The versatile disadvantages of foreign direct investment are understood where the host c ountry has some sort of national secret something that is not meant to be disclosed to the rest of the world.It has been observed that the defence force of a country has faced risks as a result of the foreign direct investment in the country. At propagation it has been observed that certain foreign policies are adopted that are not comprehended by the workers of the recipient country. Foreign direct investment, at times, is also disadvantageous for the ones who are making the investment themselves. Foreign direct investment may entail high travel and communications expenses.The differences of language and floriculture that exist between the country of the investor and the host country could also pose problems in case of foreign direct investment. Yet another major disadvantage of foreign direct investment is that there is a chance that a company may lose out on its ownership to an overseas company. This has oftentimes caused many companies to approach foreign direct investment with a certain amount of caution. At times it has been observed that there is considerable instability in a particular geographical region.This causes a business deal of inconvenience to the investor. The size of the market, as well as, the condition of the host country could be important factors in the case of the foreign direct investment. In case the host country is not well affiliated with their more advanced neighbors, it poses a lot of challenge for the investors. At times it has been observed that the governments of the host country are facing problems with foreign direct investment. It has less control over the cognitive operation of the company that is functioning as the wholly owned subsidiary of an overseas company.This leads to serious issues. The investor does not have to be all in all obedient to the economic policies of the country where they have invested the money. At times there have been adverse make of foreign direct investment on the balance of payments of a country. Even in view of the various disadvantages of foreign direct investment it may be said that foreign direct investment has compete an important role in shaping the economic fortunes of a number of countries around the world.
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